no one's trying to talk you out of anything. All we're doing here presenting you with known facts and you decide for yourself how those facts work with the WHOLE picture. You come across here as somewhat desperate and implusive and jump to conlusions.
"By Donna Willis
Web Content Coordinator
Published: March 2, 2009
COLUMBUS, Ohio"Ohio’s unemployment rate spiked again, reaching a high Ohioans haven’t seen since 1985.
January’s unemployment rate climbed to 8.8 percent in Ohio. Compare that to 5.7 percent of Ohioans who were unemployed at this time last year."
Locally, in that part of OH, the unemployment rate could be upwards of 10-12%. Regardless of promised jobs, if the local economy is down long-term (and it is), big, medium and small businesses are closing doors in a major way.
Then there's the whole nothing to do socially issue. No night life...unless listening to cricket noises..and cow-tipping are fun for you?
(You still haven't answered any of the questions I posed earlier to you.)