Nice obfuscation, parados. Several fallacies in your argument. Reagan cut taxes for more than the rich, and he cut taxes for businesses, period, with a wide range of size and wealth. Secondly, your apparent claim that cutting taxes for small business only provides jobs, not big business, which is bogus. Thirdly, defining rich or not is a totally inexact science, suited to whoever defines it, and there is no mathematical logic that once the taxcut crosses the line to a so-called "rich" business, it no longer will provide jobs, that is absolutely nonsensical logic. Obviously, businesses must have some resources greater than the people they hire, and thus it is trickle down, regardless of how far down the ladder it trickles. It will trickle from the next rung up, or it will trickle from the top rung, just logic. And for trickling down from the top rung, it affects everyone on the ladder. How many people do poor people directly hire? Not many.
And I use the term, trickle down, in regard to Obama, because I am pointing out an obvious contradiction and hypocrisy that has been out there for a very long time. Just because you don't like it does not eliminate the obvious fact.