Barack Obama wants you to check out the chick on Channel 9.
Barack Obama is going to take out that new chick from Logistics.
Barack Obama is going to show the chick from Logistics his O face.
Barack Obama will appoint Snoop Dogg as Secretary of Education and Welfare.
Barack Obama thinks someone's got a case of the Mondays.
Barack Obama has copied the scheme from
Superman 3 for his own purposes.
Barack Obama always messes up some minor detail.
Barack Obama forgot the decimal point.
Barack Obama is going to tell the Bobs something about TPS reports.
Barack Obama is a secret smoker, because he is too weak to quit.
Barack Obama will borrow your car and change all the presets on the radio.
Barack Obama taunts Happy Fun Balls.
Baracka Obama wants you to upgrade to Super Colon Blow.
Barack Obama wants you to pull his finger.
Barack Obama is playing Abba again.
BArack Obama wants kicky to get laid , and he will keep his pimp hand in there.
Barack Obama can't believe he ate the whole thing.
Barack Obama never really had capybaras.
Barack Obama has caught you a delicious bass.
barack obama wants to know if you're going to eat the rest of those tots.