@ebrown p,
Obama has been focusing on the economy all along?
Giving speeches about how bad the economy is doing, does nothing to shore it up, and could actually hurt it if those speeches affect consumer confidence.
What, exactly, has Obama done to improve the economy this whole time he has been "focused" on it?
Now he has a chance to get involved in a major economic issue and he wants to sit on the sidelines.
What can they do now? Plenty.
There will be a vote on the proposal.Even the Dems wouldn't be stupid enough to try a kill it in commitee.
Now is the time to build consensus on what should be done, not a hour before it goes to the floor for a vote.
Right now, McCain and Obama are the leaders of their respective parties. They can both wield tremendous influence.
If McCain can help broker a deal on the bailout while Obama debates an empty chair, what will the American voter conclude?