Hey Mags
Tough times girl - thinking about you and sending you love.
I believe some people choose their time. Some folk don't.
When I was in my early 20's - I put on backpack and travelled around the world for a year. My Granny was sick. I knew that when I left it would be the last time I saw her. She was well enough on the day I left for Australia but fading fast. Both my parents and I were in two minds at whether I should leave. I believe she waited until I was truly ensconced in my travels before she went. She died 2 weeks after I had left, by which time, she knew I would not be able to come back for her funeral. My Granny helped raise me when I was wee. We were incredibly close.
Throughout the last 20 years many folk in my life have been there... and gone. When my friend died - not of his choosing - unexpected and tragic - the anger was immense at how he could be taken the way he was. However, someone gave me a way to think differently about why and how he died. It helped immensely - believing as I do now - that my being there with him was for a reason - and tho we would wish to change the fact he died - for whatever reason it happened - it made his family and my lives interwoven in a way that it wouldn't be, were he alive now. Reasons, there sometimes aren't reasons why things happen the way they do - or perhaps it's all for a reason. Life's rich pageant and all...
Your friend - in a hospice. Perhaps this will make it... easier... not the right word ... less heartbreaking... for her husband. He is tired. He is struggling - he needs to sleep, to rest too. Perhaps she chose this way to take the responsibility away from him.
This is emotive - special folk on this thread know the pain here. Choice of "how and when" I WISH to believe, is that person's way for them to go.
Terribly hard to watch. Terribly hard to deal with. Believing that peace is truly a blessing... that's what I wish to believe and would want for my nearest and dearest. No pain. Dignity.
So sorry for your sadness Mags - try and remain as strong as you can during this time. Lean on your hubby and hold his hand. Believe that you are the best friend you have always been - she told you that. She believes in you. Try and believe that when peace finds her that she will no longer be suffering in any way.
Friendship is everlasting. That's my belief.
My best wishes to your hubby and mother-in-law. Take care Mags. Hugging you x