Tue 25 Sep, 2012 03:57 pm
I believe that all that mankind has done, is doing and will do, can be explained by looking at this diagram.
This diagram shows the paradox that we all live in. The two drives in life are love and power which are both bye products of desire. These drives are innate and so are in every one of us. The unsolvable problem lies within the fact that one cannot live without the other, thus creating a paradox. Our need for love is directly linked to our need for power, i.e. when we desire love it is to gain a sense of self-worth (power) and love is needed for self-affirmation, i.e. if someone loves you then they except who you are and your beliefs therefor giving you confidence (power) to act. Evidence of this can be seen in all social backgrounds and in every culture, from kings to starving families in Africa. The only difference lies in the circumstance, not the drive.
But the answer to the meaning of life & everything is 42!!!