Coming up on the two year anniversary of her death. Since her passing, there has been another grandson born and just learned that yet another grandbaby is on the way. What I have done in her memory is to think of what these new moms would need, and what she would do for them if she was still here. I bought the mom with the two little boys a double stroller. For the newly expectant mom, I sent a full-body pregnancy pillow. Men are not genetically programmed to think of such things, and while my friend's husband is a wonderful guy, this would not occur to him. The third daughter is a professional artist, and she and I are publishing a children's book together. I am still grieving the loss of my friend, and often ache for the chance to talk to her again, to hug her, to laugh as we always did. I have known her children since they were born, and I have had them tell me that sometimes talking to me is a way of connecting with her. It works both ways.