Your evaluation of Palin to be qualified to be president is about as ignorant a conclusion so common amongst the conservatives. You have no sense of what's right for this country, and hope against hope that the American People are just as dumb as you!
David wants to have his personal freedom advanced, so he is gonna vote for the party that loves to invade privacy, invade bedrooms, burn books, mess with science, and tell us how to live our lives as long as they comport with Christian beliefs...
Speaking of telling us how to live our lives, which is the party that contains most of the people who want to take guns away from private citizens, and force us to rely completely on the government to protect us?
This woman is more qualified for the job of president than Obama and liberals can't stand it.
Of course she is! Just found this in the internet
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) used the announcement of his vice-presidential pick, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, to blast the experience of his Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill), arguing that Sen. Obama has never been the mayor of a 5,000-person town.
"The Presidency of the United States of America is the toughest job on the planet," Sen. McCain said. "And my friends, the best testing ground for that job is being the mayor of a 5,000-person town in Alaska."
Sen. McCain unleashed a savage attack on Sen. Obama, claiming that his Democratic opponent would be "at a loss" when faced with the challenges of running a 5000-person municipality in Alaska."Let's say a constituent calls you and says that a caribou has wandered onto his front lawn," he said. "My friends, Barack Obama wouldn't know what to do."
He used the hypothetical situation to draw a sharp contrast with his vice-presidential choice: "Sarah Palin would take out her gun and shoot the caribou."Mr. McCain said that an understanding of foreign affairs, Congress, and other issues that a president has to deal with is "overrated," adding, "That's what ‘Presidency for Dummies' is for."
While saying that her "vast experience" was the main reason he selected Gov. Palin, Sen. McCain said that she also had the other three qualifications he was looking for in a vice president: "She is pro-life, pro-drilling, and willing to housesit.
What percentage of registered Democrats and Republicans want to take guns away from private citizens and force us to rely completely on the government to protect us?
What percentage of registered Democrats and Republicans want to take guns away from private citizens and force us to rely completely on the government to protect us?
I haven't the foggiest, but I am willing to bet that the anti-gun forces are mostly liberals and that most liberals are Democrats.
Tell us something we don't know. Can you say research?
0 Replies
Tue 2 Sep, 2008 08:18 pm
JPB wrote:
What percentage of registered Democrats and Republicans want to take guns away from private citizens and force us to rely completely on the government to protect us?
All of those that support Obama.
0 Replies
Tue 2 Sep, 2008 08:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Your evaluation of Palin to be qualified to be president is about as ignorant a conclusion so common amongst the conservatives.
You are a desperate liberaltard!
0 Replies
Tue 2 Sep, 2008 08:27 pm
David wants to have his personal freedom advanced, so he is gonna vote for
the party that loves to invade privacy, invade bedrooms, burn books, ] Really ?
WHICH books will thay burn, pray tell ?
I have always opposed invading bedrooms, or any other rooms.
That will not happen.
mess with science, and tell us how to live our lives as long as they comport with Christian beliefs.
I support freedom of stem cell research and I oppose any form of theocracy.
I am a very big supporter of the Space Program, and of other scientific inquiry.
I see.
I believe that OSD is a one issue voter.
Well, taking the Bill of Rights seriously really IS fundamental.
The one issure upon which I vote is rejection of collectivism,
which is the heart n soul of Roosevelt-Kennedy liberalism.
0 Replies
Tue 2 Sep, 2008 08:29 pm
@old europe,
The whole thing is a struggle, a competition,
to determine whether Individualism and freedom will prevail
or collectivism and authoritarianism will do so.
What counts is the ultimate result.
0 Replies
Tue 2 Sep, 2008 08:32 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Re: OmSigDAVID(Post 3385895)
Well, the result of his choice is pretty evident; it's not the best choice for America.
That's the bottom line - or should be for most Americans.
No, that is not evident at all; you are in error.
The best choice for America is to get a government that intereferes
as little as possible; "that government governs best which governs LEAST"
What counts is personal freedom.
0 Replies
Tue 2 Sep, 2008 08:36 pm
Sarah Palin is a great pick!
Yes she is!!
Awesome choice!!!
This woman is more qualified for the job of president than Obama and liberals can't stand it.
She has years of experience as a Mayor and as a State Governor,
but if she had only TEN MINUTES of executive experience,
that woud be ten minutes MORE than Obama has.
Re: CalamityJane (Post 3386103)
Should be interesting watching Palin as the VP while she tends to her five
children and one grandchild. After all, parenting is a part-time job.
YOU intend to watch her mother her children ?
THAT shoud be interesting; can u say S T A L K I N G ?
0 Replies
Tue 2 Sep, 2008 08:45 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Sarah Palin is a great pick!
Yes she is!!
Awesome choice!!!
This woman is more qualified for the job of president than Obama and liberals can't stand it.
She has years of experience as a Mayor and as a State Governor,
but if she had only TEN MINUTES of executive experience,
that woud be ten minutes MORE than Obama has.
Ok, educate me. What percentage of rank and file democrats want to take guns away from private citizens and force us to rely completely on the government to protect us?