September 2, 2008, 7:28 pm
McCain Cancels Larry King Interview
By Jim Rutenberg
ST. PAUL " Senator John McCain on Tuesday canceled a long-scheduled interview with Larry King of CNN as punishment for what his aides said was an unfair interview of a McCain campaign spokesman by the network host Campbell Brown on Monday night.
Wolf Blitzer, the CNN anchor, announced the news on Tuesday afternoon, saying, “A senior McCain adviser tells CNN the interview has been pulled because of a segment CNN ran last night during Campbell Brown’s ‘Election Central’.”
In that segment, Ms. Brown had grilled Tucker Bounds, a campaign spokesman, after he said that the role of Mr. McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, as commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard was an example of executive experience that Senator Barack Obama of Illinois did not have.
“Can you tell me one decision that she made as commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard, just one?” Ms. Brown asked.
Mr. Bounds responded, “Any decision she has made as the commander of the National Guard that’s deployed overseas is more of a decision Barack Obama’s been making as he’s been running for president for the last two years.”
Ms. Brown pressed again, saying: “So tell me. Tell me. Give me an example of one of those decisions.”
To which Mr. Bounds said, “Campbell, certainly you don’t mean to belittle every experience, every judgment she makes as commander.” The argument devolved from there, with no real resolution.
Mr. Blitzer said, “CNN does not believe that exchange was over the line,” adding, “We hope Senator McCain will join us here on CNN in the very, very near future.”
The campaign did not respond to a request for comment.