For those who haven't seen the comments:
Count a two second pause, then: "...is like putting lipstick on a pig."
The crowd behind Obama, some with the dazed look some political crowds tend to take on, comes to life. They clap and laugh and carry on, enjoying Obama's wit.
They certainly got the 'joke', didn't they?
The word lipstick came into play when Palin used it in her speech. Answer this: If Palin hadn't used it a week earlier, would the Obama crowd have responded like they had?
It was your crowd, your audience, your supporters there. Own them.
When Palin said the only difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom is lipstick, she was trying to define herself to a part of Middle America.
When Obama, with his great timing and to the delight of his audience, said you can't put lipstick on a pig, he too defined himself to a portion of Middle America.
Check that. He didn't. His audience did it for him, though.
Hey, you must go to better comedy clubs then the dives I frequent. My comics, when they are bombing, will pull the drug or sex joke out of the blue to garner a much needed laugh...
Do his subsequent explanations make sense? They seem pretty construed. Sure he has used the comment before. But again, one look at his audience's reaction makes it pretty clear about the context in which his comment was taken. Obviously, from their reaction, they thought Obama was comparing Palin to a pig.
All of which comes back to my main point about libs/progressives: Hey, there's a perception of someone being insensitive to a potential victim here! Do something! Someone might have been insulted!
Isn't an apology forthcoming? Immediately? Isn't that how things are supposed to work?