I had forgotten how much fun it was to be a farmer.
Wait. Farming implies actual rideable machines, so maybe not farming. Gardening, vegtable gardening is the growing of food. I am growing my own food, okay, some of my own food now. Okay. I'm just sprouting seeds, but it's like gardening only without the scraping around in the earthy muck.
Sprouter just doesn't have the same pop as
Gardener. Ah.
A customer came in the other day and asked if anyone knew how to sprout cabbage seeds. I knew. Back in my hippie days I sprouted wheat, mung beans and alfalfa. I showed him the Mason jars and the food-grade cheese cloth and gave him a two minute recital on rinsing and waiting. (Most seeds will sprout in about three days after soaking in water the first night and getting a rinse twice a day after that, but it's the setting in the window to get some sunshine that makes almost any sprout extra tasty.)
Anyway, he shows back up three days later with a big smile and thanks and a bag of organic cabbage seed for me. I've already grown a batch and, not only do they punch up a salad, but it is also such a satisfying experience.
Joe(photos=== that will be dull as mud=== to follow)Nation