A good cry on the train

Sat 1 Nov, 2008 05:55 pm
(spike...I thought you were 'Merican....goodness know why I thought that.... not a clue.... learn something new every day. G'day to you!)
Sat 1 Nov, 2008 06:53 pm
poured a Bailey's....


passing round the bouteille

<darn.... no ice..... sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh....oh well, nem'mind...wah'ram>

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Sun 2 Nov, 2008 04:00 am
No Izzie, 'Strine.

What made your ears prick up? Chooks?

A very g'day to yourself! Very Happy
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Joe Nation
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 06:56 am
Patiodog wrote:
Oh, and I'm thinking right now that there are some elements of Back to the Future that are maybe a little implausible...
You mean it's not a documentary?
Good on you for finding some Thai food friends. mucho importante.
Where did you and LittleK go hiking? Or as my Louisiana friends would say "Wher'y'at?"
I'm here in the City. New Yorkers say The City as if there isn't any other city, even the people in Brooklyn, that's part of New York City refer to Manhattan as The City.

Today in the City is the marathon. I am not running, Kicky, I promised L that I wouldn't run it this year in order to spend more time with her. (ahem) By the time she left, it was too late for me to get my number. (I didn't realize how really angry and sad this has made me until just a few days ago. I did all the training just to be around all the runners, they provide a great vibe.)
Today, I am going down to the Queensboro Bridge and 1st Ave to watch for awhile before going to work at the store.

Joe(Already qualified for next year.)Nation
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 07:11 am
@Joe Nation,
ouch, that's quite a zinger.

happened to me with Christmas and New Years when Monster and I broke up. It was the first year I didn't fly home for X-mas...so that I could spend it with him.... I was alone that year. Not that I had a bad time, but it didn't help me like him any more either. grrr.
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 07:58 am
@Joe Nation,
That is pretty brutal. Kind of how I feel about this damn house sometimes. (It's a nice house, tho...)

K and I have never been hiking, but perhaps have both hiked with J, and you know what they say about the old unprotected bivouac. We did have beers with some others in Seattle, but I'm in Madison, WI, now, waiting for the last leaves to fall so I can finish cleaning the gutters. Oh, and making an Italian quiche. The mrs is sleeping off a hangover in our/my bed upstairs.

It's not a big angry thing. It just feels like a warm but heatless thing, like old friends who've gone different ways.

Which means it could be a hell of a lot worse.
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 08:05 am
Aw p'dog, I had no idea.
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Sun 2 Nov, 2008 08:08 am
Oh Pdawg.... I was thinking you were in Oz.... gosh.... keep up Iz!

Hugs to you mate and .... hey, take some time to look at the leaves falling... they'll be gone soon enough and then the snow will appear. (love snow... just love it... think you have snow there in WI). When the new leaves appear in the spring... life will have moved on a little. Who knows - things could be very different for you then hun. Really. Day at a time... look towards new growth. xox

Spike - nah... not the chooks.... you were in the morning whilst I was sippping Baileys at nite.... talking of chooks... been thinking of getting a chicken run.... my SIL has chooks ...... got the freerange place to get them.... just.... not sure if I can do it right now..... ahhhhhhh decisions.... have some chooks, don't have some chooks... whaddoI know about chooks.... nowt. But, wanted them for years when we had land, once upon a time - now, just got the wee garden, but a great place for chooks. Eggs..... we'd have eggs on tap! Coooooool. Ethel and Cuthbert - good chook names!

Joe (you will run the next one) Nation
Have a good days anyways and cheer loudly. Hugs to you lovely.

Iz (mmmmmm..... hen house..... Tulip and I looked at one t'other day - mmmmm) zie

Sun 2 Nov, 2008 10:18 am
Didn't I invite you to my family's Christmas?
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 10:19 am
Pdawg and Joe, I feel for you both.
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Sun 2 Nov, 2008 10:57 am
I am sorry to hear that patiodog. I always pictured you having the perfect life - meaning you've choosen the job you love and you and your wife are pulling on the same string.

At times, when you get together at a young age and both are still students, or at least one is, life seems so much different and the interests are very similar. Once both are finished with their education, the goals in life can
turn to another direction and the entire dynamic of a relationship can change. Neither partner is at fault, it just happens. I have experienced that
myself. Not to say that this is happening in your case or with anyone else,
but it does occur.

You are in a good hands here - Joe Nation is a remarkable person and how
he handles the (not anticipated) break-up of his marriage, in such a dignified manner, is very admirable.

On another note: dagmar your picture is just breathtaking beautiful! You're
so much like Mae West (personality wise too).
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 01:55 pm
littlek wrote:

Didn't I invite you to my family's Christmas?

this was in 2004... when i lived on porter st. i know we watched Big Fish for New Years with 3-4 other people.....I remember nothing of that Christmas, don't even know where I was. Maybe the Nieman Foundation... Oh! Sasha and Sebastian came, I think that's what it was.
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Sun 2 Nov, 2008 01:57 pm
i LOVE you, CJ :-)
I spent hours upon hours of my lifetime trying to get the Mae West finger waves. You made my day, thanks.
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Sun 2 Nov, 2008 03:21 pm
@Joe Nation,
Divorce is tough. My spouse actually died, so I don't know what it is like to go through a divorce. Sometimes I wonder if it is easier or harder to let go in death than it is in divorce. In a some divorce situations you could always have some hope of possibly getting back together, where in death there is no hope. In other divorce situations, you can be fearful of running into your former spouse with another lover, in death you don't have this fear. I think that both death and divorce are tragic. Basically, what I am saying is that I feel for you having to go through this tragic event and to tell you that no matter how hopeless you feel now, it does get better.
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 05:07 pm
Welcome to a2k, tyoungs..
0 Replies
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 06:48 pm
Welcome tyoungs... you speak much sense and from the heart. The loss of a loved one is hard to comes to terms with, in most circumstances, loving someone who can't be there, divorce, death. So sorry for your loss hun. You sound a remarkable person to post what you have. Very pleased to meet you and hope you will join the great A2K folk here. Good bunch of folk with big hearts and good souls. Welcome.
0 Replies
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 06:57 pm
Spike must be in Queensland - they don't have daylight saving there - and he's an hour ahead of me.

There's not too much of Oz east of me to have a hour's difference in the time Smile

I though he wus a Murrican, too. Spoke more than the usual amount of sense for a Queenslander Razz Twisted Evil
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 07:16 pm
OH MY NORA....... <i thought spike was a she... why.... who only knows..... am I really that out of it.... I guess so.... SO SO SO sorry spike, g'day mate>

<ooooh should not keep admitting these things a? I gotta go sleep...ack>
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 07:20 pm
OK - Spile maybe a she or a he!

Just surprised s/he was a Q'lander
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 07:22 pm
ok.... I'm going with a she.... waiting on the spike to appear...

whoever you are spike.... you are WONDERFUL!!!!!

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