au1929 wrote:Let's not forget that Obama's resume being without substance does not reveal much about the real Obama and what his core believes are. Therefore as one analyst noted a vote for Obama is tantamount to buying a pig in a poke.
I have been trying to recall all the different things (on different threads and other sites) that I have been told are off limits or irrelevent in discussing Obama:
Let's see. Some of those are:
1. His name, especially his middle name. Use it and you will be branded racist.
2. His race
3. His religion/church/pastor
4. His African ties/allegiance
5. Contents of his books
6. His wife/family
7. His education record
8. His friends/business associates/political contacts
9. His legal advocacy in Chicago
10. His tenure in the Illinois legislature (irrelevent)
11. His tenure on the U.S. Senate (irrelevent)
12. His campaign staff (irrelevent)
13. His lack of military service or exposure to international issues
14. The specifics of his agenda for America (he can't be expected to spell in out or answer questions in detail during the campaign.)
We are all at liberty to discuss anything else, however.