Obama's electability

Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 11:14 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
How do you know it's false, Joe? Or did you just mean it hasn't been proven to be true?

By "false" I mean "there is ample evidence to convince a disinterested observer that it is false."

Ticomaya wrote:
These are the facts, per the Times:

A few months after Obama became a U.S. senator, he and Rezko's wife, Rita, bought adjacent pieces of property from a doctor in Chicago's Kenwood neighborhood -- a deal that has dogged Obama the last two years. The doctor sold the mansion to Obama for $1.65 million -- $300,000 below the asking price. Rezko's wife paid full price -- $625,000 -- for the adjacent vacant lot. The deals closed in June 2005. Six months later, Obama paid Rezko's wife $104,500 for a strip of her land, so he could have a bigger yard. At the time, it had been widely reported that Tony Rezko was under federal investigation. Questioned later about the timing of the Rezko deal, Obama called it "boneheaded" because people might think the Rezkos had done him a favor.



Here are the allegations of fact to which I responded:
    [i](1) It was about this time that Tony helped the senator and his wife buy a house...[/i] Point out where your excerpt says that Rezko helped Obama buy his house. [i](2)...and when the senator couldn't afford to buy the lot next door...[/i] Point out where your excerpt says that Obama couldn't afford to buy the next door lot, or even that Obama was interested in buying the next door lot. [i](3)...to give himself a little breathing room - Tony bought the lot and sold them part of it at a bargain.[/i] Point out where your excerpt says that Rezko sold the strip of land to Obama at a bargain price.
Go ahead, show me how your excerpt from the Sun-Times (not the Times, by the way) refutes the points that I addressed. I'm eager to see this.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 11:25 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
How do you know it's false, Joe? Or did you just mean it hasn't been proven to be true?

By "false" I mean "there is ample evidence to convince a disinterested observer that it is false."

Seems like there's enough evidence to convince a disinterested observer that it might be true.

Ticomaya wrote:
These are the facts, per the Times:

A few months after Obama became a U.S. senator, he and Rezko's wife, Rita, bought adjacent pieces of property from a doctor in Chicago's Kenwood neighborhood -- a deal that has dogged Obama the last two years. The doctor sold the mansion to Obama for $1.65 million -- $300,000 below the asking price. Rezko's wife paid full price -- $625,000 -- for the adjacent vacant lot. The deals closed in June 2005. Six months later, Obama paid Rezko's wife $104,500 for a strip of her land, so he could have a bigger yard. At the time, it had been widely reported that Tony Rezko was under federal investigation. Questioned later about the timing of the Rezko deal, Obama called it "boneheaded" because people might think the Rezkos had done him a favor.



Here are the allegations of fact to which I responded:
    [i](1) It was about this time that Tony helped the senator and his wife buy a house...[/i] Point out where your excerpt says that Rezko helped Obama buy his house. [i](2)...and when the senator couldn't afford to buy the lot next door...[/i] Point out where your excerpt says that Obama couldn't afford to buy the next door lot, or even that Obama was interested in buying the next door lot. [i](3)...to give himself a little breathing room - Tony bought the lot and sold them part of it at a bargain.[/i] Point out where your excerpt says that Rezko sold the strip of land to Obama at a bargain price.
Go ahead, show me how your excerpt from the Sun-Times (not the Times, by the way) refutes the points that I addressed. I'm eager to see this.

I asked you what you knew. If you know more than I do, you haven't stated it yet. And you haven't stated a sufficient basis, in my view, for your proclamation of its falsehood.

Point out where I claimed my excerpt from the Times (btw, I'll call the Chicago rag whatever the hell I want to) refuted anything. I merely asked you how you knew those points were false, and then quoted the facts from the Times.

But now you go ahead and show me your proof of the falsity of the claims made in the article Au quoted. I'm equally eager to see this.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 12:27 am
Ticomaya wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
How do you know it's false, Joe? Or did you just mean it hasn't been proven to be true?

By "false" I mean "there is ample evidence to convince a disinterested observer that it is false."

Seems like there's enough evidence to convince a disinterested observer that it might be true.

Hardly. Here again are those points:
    [i](1) It was about this time that Tony helped the senator and his wife buy a house...[/i] There are no facts to suggest that Rezko did anything, apart from perhaps providing some advice, that helped Obama in purchasing the house. If you have some proof to the contrary, I'm sure there are many people who would be eager to see it. [i](2)...and when the senator couldn't afford to buy the lot next door...[/i] There are no facts to suggest that Obama couldn't afford to buy the lot next door, or that he was even interested in purchasing that lot. If you have some proof to the contrary, I'm sure there are many people who would be eager to see it. [i](3)...to give himself a little breathing room - Tony bought the lot and sold them part of it at a bargain.[/i] There are no facts to suggest that Rezko sold that strip of land to Obama at a bargain price. If you have some proof to the contrary, I'm sure there are many people who would be eager to see it.
Now, of course, there's always the possibility that your disinterested observer and my disinterested observer are two entirely different people. Your disinterested observer, for instance, appears to be mentally retarded, and I guess that might explain why you think there is enough evidence to convince him that Rezko helped Obama buy the property, bought the adjoining parcel when Obama couldn't afford it, and sold him the strip of land at a bargain price. That would certainly explain a lot. You'll excuse me, however, if I hold my disinterested observer to a higher standard.

Ticomaya wrote:
I asked you what you knew. If you know more than I do, you haven't stated it yet. And you haven't stated a sufficient basis, in my view, for your proclamation of its falsehood.

Obama's home purchase has been scrutinized by both Chicago papers, neither of which is terribly sympathetic to the senator. Obama gave a 90-minute interview to the editorial board of the Tribune, which ultimately concluded that, although Obama was unwise to have dealings with Rezko, Obama's explanation of the transaction, in which he said "[t]his notion that somehow I got a discount and Rezko overpaid is simply not true," was "plausible."

Addressing the specific allegations (based on the foregoing linked stories):
    [i](1) It was about this time that Tony helped the senator and his wife buy a house...[/i] Rezko toured the house with Obama for about 15-30 minutes. At most, he provided advice regarding the value of the property. Apart from that, Rezko did nothing to "help" Obama buy the house. [i](2)...and when the senator couldn't afford to buy the lot next door...[/i] Obama was not even interested in purchasing the side lot, and the sellers confirm that the two transactions were not related in any fashion. [i](3)...to give himself a little breathing room - Tony bought the lot and sold them part of it at a bargain.[/i] Rezko bought the side lot for $625,000. Even though Obama's appraiser valued the strip at $40,500, "Obama paid the Rezkos $104,500, or a sixth of their original $625,000 purchase price, because he was acquiring a sixth of the land." Far from being a bargain, it could be argued that Obama paid more than twice what the strip of land was worth.
Now, under normal circumstances, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But where there are substantial incentives to find the evidence and sufficient time to uncover it, and there has been, to date, nothing found to refute the only plausible explanations that have been offered, I feel confident that the factual allegations of wrongdoing are simply false, just as I feel confident that the absence of evidence of alien abductions or the Loch Ness Monster or Iraqi WMDs is evidence of the falsity of those claims. If you, on the other hand, are credulous enough to be satisfied that mere claims, without any supporting facts, are sufficient evidence of those claims, then I suppose you're entitled to make that conclusion.

Ticomaya wrote:
Point out where I claimed my excerpt from the Times (btw, I'll call the Chicago rag whatever the hell I want to) refuted anything. I merely asked you how you knew those points were false, and then quoted the facts from the Times.

The facts are pretty well-known, and I never said that those facts were false. Rather, I was addressing certain conclusions that were simply not supported by the facts. That you, for some unknown reason, thought it necessary to repeat the facts is, I suppose, your affair. If you didn't post them to refute my assertions, then I don't know why you posted them. But then you're free to post any sort of irrelevant crap that you choose. I can't stop you.

Ticomaya wrote:
But now you go ahead and show me your proof of the falsity of the claims made in the article Au quoted. I'm equally eager to see this.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 02:20 am
joefromchicago wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I asked you what you knew. If you know more than I do, you haven't stated it yet. And you haven't stated a sufficient basis, in my view, for your proclamation of its falsehood.

Obama's home purchase has been scrutinized by both Chicago papers, neither of which is terribly sympathetic to the senator. Obama gave a 90-minute interview to the editorial board of the Tribune, which ultimately concluded that, although Obama was unwise to have dealings with Rezko, Obama's explanation of the transaction, in which he said "[t]his notion that somehow I got a discount and Rezko overpaid is simply not true," was "plausible."

You certainly give a lot of weight to the opinions of a newpaper's editorial board. I take it your disinterested observer reads the Tribune?

Addressing the specific allegations (based on the foregoing linked stories):
    [i](1) It was about this time that Tony helped the senator and his wife buy a house...[/i] Rezko toured the house with Obama for about 15-30 minutes. At most, he provided advice regarding the value of the property. Apart from that, Rezko did nothing to "help" Obama buy the house.

Nothing except agree to purchase the lot next door and sell a portion of it to the Obamas so they could expand their lot size.

(2)...and when the senator couldn't afford to buy the lot next door...
Obama was not even interested in purchasing the side lot, and the sellers confirm that the two transactions were not related in any fashion.

Sure ... that seems plausible. Obama's interested in buying a house, and his good friend and big campaign contributor, Rezko, tags along, and -- for reasons that will always remain a mystery -- Rezko decides to take over the option on the side lot and buy it at the same time Obama buys his house. And then Obama later buys a portion of the side lot from Rezko. Given the facts, it is not a stretch to think that Obama was interested in buying the side lot at the time Rezko purchased, it, and that the two transactions were certainly related. Apparently you think it's just a big coincidence.

(3)...to give himself a little breathing room - Tony bought the lot and sold them part of it at a bargain.
Rezko bought the side lot for $625,000. Even though Obama's appraiser valued the strip at $40,500, "Obama paid the Rezkos $104,500, or a sixth of their original $625,000 purchase price, because he was acquiring a sixth of the land." Far from being a bargain, it could be argued that Obama paid more than twice what the strip of land was worth.[/list]

It could be argued that the value of the strip of land was worth quite a bit more, because it greatly reduced the developmental value of the remaining Rezko property. But you go to great lengths to give Obama the benefit of the doubt, don't you?

Now, under normal circumstances, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But where there are substantial incentives to find the evidence and sufficient time to uncover it, and there has been, to date, nothing found to refute the only plausible explanations that have been offered, I feel confident that the factual allegations of wrongdoing are simply false, just as I feel confident that the absence of evidence of alien abductions or the Loch Ness Monster or Iraqi WMDs is evidence of the falsity of those claims. If you, on the other hand, are credulous enough to be satisfied that mere claims, without any supporting facts, are sufficient evidence of those claims, then I suppose you're entitled to make that conclusion.

Your opinion is driven by your support of Obama as a political candidate ... it's that simple. It is for that reason alone you are willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt.

Ticomaya wrote:
Point out where I claimed my excerpt from the Times (btw, I'll call the Chicago rag whatever the hell I want to) refuted anything. I merely asked you how you knew those points were false, and then quoted the facts from the Times.

The facts are pretty well-known, and I never said that those facts were false. Rather, I was addressing certain conclusions that were simply not supported by the facts. That you, for some unknown reason, thought it necessary to repeat the facts is, I suppose, your affair. If you didn't post them to refute my assertions, then I don't know why you posted them. But then you're free to post any sort of irrelevant crap that you choose. I can't stop you.

You apparently cannot state any facts to prove the falsity of the claims in the article posted by Au. On the contrary, you seem to be taking the position that because you do not believe the statements made in that article can be proven true, that somehow proves their falsity. I responded in the first place only to find out if you had any facts other than the ones I posted that would prove the falsity you were proclaiming. Turns out you cannot make your case, and as I said, you only posted your opinion.

But then you're free to post your opinion on this forum. I can't stop you.

Ticomaya wrote:
But now you go ahead and show me your proof of the falsity of the claims made in the article Au quoted. I'm equally eager to see this.


Hardly. You proved nothing. All you did was state your opinion.

My disinterested observer does not believe the totality of the transaction passes the "smell test." And he thinks your disinterested observer smokes dope frequently.


It's clear that Rezko was always on the lookout for "a clout," Chicagoese for a political patron -- in Rezko's case, a patron who could give a Syrian immigrant the same opportunity to work the system as an Irish lawyer who'd gone to Catholic school with the mayor. In Obama's case, though, Rezko has asked for very little. He's only received one political favor, and it didn't benefit him financially: On Rezko's recommendation, the son of a campaign contributor served an internship in Obama's Senate office. It could be that Rezko was saving his chits until the senator achieved the one office unattainable to a machine pol.

Obama, on the other hand, seems to have derived some material benefit from his friendship with Rezko. During his first year in the Senate, flush with the book advance for "The Audacity of Hope," Obama and his wife decided to trade up from a condo to a bigger, more secure home in Kenwood, a South Side neighborhood of turreted, balconied piles popular with University of Chicago econ professors looking to blow their Nobel Prize loot. They found a $1.65 million house with four fireplaces, a wine cellar and a black wrought-iron fence. The doctor who lived there also owned the vacant lot next door and, although the properties were listed separately, wanted to sell both at the same time. Despite their new income, the Obamas could not have afforded both parcels. The Obamas closed on their house in June 2005. On the same day, Rezko's wife, Rita, purchased the vacant lot for $625,000. They later sold a portion of the lot to the Obamas, for $104,500, so the family could expand its yard. The Rezkos then paid $14,000 to build a fence along the property line.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 07:07 am
Ticomaya wrote:
You certainly give a lot of weight to the opinions of a newpaper's editorial board.

No, I give a lot of weight to: (1) Obama's statements; (2) the statement of the sellers, who confirmed that there was no discount and that the two transactions were unrelated; (3) the statement of the Obamas' real estate agent, who confirmed that the Obamas were only interested in the house, not in the side lot; and (4) the investigation of the Tribune (along with the rest of the Chicago media and many national media outlets) which found nothing to contradict Obama's statements.

Ticomaya wrote:
Nothing except agree to purchase the lot next door and sell a portion of it to the Obamas so they could expand their lot size.

So what?

Ticomaya wrote:
Sure ... that seems plausible.

I'm glad you agree.

Ticomaya wrote:
Given the facts, it is not a stretch to think that Obama was interested in buying the side lot at the time Rezko purchased, it, and that the two transactions were certainly related.

I suppose you could arrive at that conclusion, so long as you ignore the fact that the sellers have said that the two transactions were not linked at all and the statement of the real estate agent who confirmed that the Obamas weren't interested in buying the side lot.

Ticomaya wrote:
It could be argued that the value of the strip of land was worth quite a bit more, because it greatly reduced the developmental value of the remaining Rezko property.

Sure, you could argue that -- so long as you ignore the facts. That property -- without the ten-foot strip that was sold to Obama -- was subsequently sold by Rezko for $575,000 and is now on the market for $995,000. In total, Rezko made $54,500 on the sale of the lot and the adjoining strip, and the lot (without the 10-foot strip) is now being offered for more than $300,000 over what Rezko initially paid for the entire parcel. So yeah, I suppose you could argue that selling the strip greatly reduced the developmental value of the remaining Rezko property.

Ticomaya wrote:
Your opinion is driven by your support of Obama as a political candidate ... it's that simple. It is for that reason alone you are willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt.

There is no benefit of the doubt here because there is no reasonable doubt. All you have is your manufactured doubt, driven by your opposition to Obama as a political candidate.

Ticomaya wrote:
You apparently cannot state any facts to prove the falsity of the claims in the article posted by Au. On the contrary, you seem to be taking the position that because you do not believe the statements made in that article can be proven true, that somehow proves their falsity. I responded in the first place only to find out if you had any facts other than the ones I posted that would prove the falsity you were proclaiming. Turns out you cannot make your case, and as I said, you only posted your opinion.

Nope, I posted facts. You choose to be willfully blind to them, but that's your problem, not mine.

Ticomaya wrote:
My disinterested observer does not believe the totality of the transaction passes the "smell test." And he thinks your disinterested observer smokes dope frequently.

Your disinterested observer is clearly an idiot.

Ticomaya wrote:

And yet again, another linked article that merely restates the facts of the matter without contradicting anything I have said so far. Keep this up, Tico, and pretty soon you will have linked to every article out there that doesn't supply any facts to support your unfounded suspicions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 07:41 am
It is not that Obama was charged with anything or that he has been accused of anything re Tony Rezko. But as is the case with everybody in Politics, the appearance of impropriety is fair game for scrutiny during a campaign. It is a matter of record that Rezko personally donated $21000 to Obama campaign and raised a whole lot more for Obama. It is a matter of record that Obama contributed something like $150,000 to Rezko related charities. Couple all that with the house deal and the implication of much more than a casual relationship is there.

And add a Rezko relationship that, while no illegality is proved, to all the other questionable characters associated with Obama, and there is room to question his judgment and/or ethics and/or world view related to how he might govern as President of the United States.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:00 am
Foxfyre wrote:
It is a matter of record that Obama contributed something like $150,000 to Rezko related charities.

Any source for that? At least nothing similar to it was mentioned at the trial.


The charges against Rezko had nothing to do with Obama, who has donated $150,000 in Rezko-related contributions to charity.

Besides his decision to give the $2,300 in presidential campaign cash from Alsammarae to charity, Obama has donated to several charities $159,085 in Rezko-related contributions from his Senate campaign. He also has sought to put all Rezko questions to rest by doing lengthy interviews with the Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune about Rezko on March 14.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:06 am
And also this AP article that was apparently sufficiently credible to be posted on the Findlaw site:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:28 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
au1929 wrote:

The senator was "saddened," he said, by the jury's work. "This isn't the Tony Rezko I knew, but now he has been convicted by a jury. That once again shines a spotlight on the need for reform." Alas, the spotlight might shine on something besides "reform," so it's under the bus for another unsavory someone in the senator's past. Tony joins a growing crowd.

That's not the Rev Wright I knew!

I doubt Bill Ayers the mad-bomber is the Bill Ayers Obama knew either.


Of course it's a pattern. And while reasonable people can believe that somebody might not know about shady dealings of a friend or associate until that person was indicted, and it is possible to not realize the radical extremist leanings of another, there are only so many times that you can use the "he isn't the person I knew" or "I didn't know" defense before it all begins to sound suspect. It's like "he led me to Jesus, married me to my wife, baptized my children, and was my pastor and spiritual mentor for 20 years. . .but I never listened to him. . . .' (this was from a parody folks--don't ask for a link--but it does hit home.)
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:29 am
Exactly: your quote proves as well that opposite to your claim, Obama didn't give "something like $150,000 to Rezko related charities ".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:31 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Exactly: your quote proves as well that opposite to your claim, Obama didn't give "something like $150,000 to Rezko related charities ".

Then post your link that says he didn't.

My link says this:
The charges against Rezko had nothing to do with Obama, who has donated $150,000 in Rezko-related contributions to charity.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:35 am
I understand that (like the journalists did and others): Obama gave 150,000 of the contributions which were thought to be Rezko-related to charities. And not "to Rezko-related charities".

But I'm no native-English speaker. and learnt English only as foreign language at school.

So your conclusion will be correct.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:43 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I understand that (like the journalists did and others): Obama gave 150,000 of the contributions which were thought to be Rezko-related to charities. And not "to Rezko-related charities".

But I'm no native-English speaker. So you will be correct.


No, I'm going to give you this one because on closer examination you are correct. Good catch.

It was more than $150,000 in Rezko related contributions that Obama gave to charity along with donating to charity the $2,300 in presidential campaign contributions he got from Aiham Alsammarae, a dual U.S.-Iraqi citizen who posted more than $2.7 million in property to help spring Tony Rezko from jail. LINK

The contributions were made, of course, after Rezko became a headache for Obama. They sure don't support a picture of a purely casual relationship between Obama and Rezko though.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 08:49 am
Foxfyre wrote:

The contributions were made, of course, after Rezko became a headache for Obama. They sure don't support a picture of a purely casual relationship between Obama and Rezko though.

I didn't intend to respond to any of that with my above posts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 09:04 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

The contributions were made, of course, after Rezko became a headache for Obama. They sure don't support a picture of a purely casual relationship between Obama and Rezko though.

I didn't intend to respond to any of that with my above posts.

Most Obama supporters don't Smile
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 09:07 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

The contributions were made, of course, after Rezko became a headache for Obama. They sure don't support a picture of a purely casual relationship between Obama and Rezko though.

I didn't intend to respond to any of that with my above posts.

Most Obama supporters don't Smile

I doubt that most Obama supporters would accept me as their spokesperson, especially with those three, four post here in question.

Though they were correct, as you said yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 09:18 am
It seems that all the right can do is nit pick Dems on personal matters. I could less about those things. We now need a president who will do something about deficits, the wars, the economy, the dollar, health-care coverage, the environment, social security, and other important matters affecting the health of the country.

I think that Obama is much more able to accomplish cures.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 09:22 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

The contributions were made, of course, after Rezko became a headache for Obama. They sure don't support a picture of a purely casual relationship between Obama and Rezko though.

I didn't intend to respond to any of that with my above posts.

Most Obama supporters don't Smile

I doubt that most Obama supporters would accept me as their spokesperson, especially with those three, four post here in question.

Though they were correct, as you said yourself.

Obama supporters will accept anybody as spokesperson who will speak well of Obama.

But, from the perspective of somebody who is not a supporter but who is looking at it all closely, it does appear that many Obama supporters are in a state of denial re some of the more negative issues. These do not wish any close scrutiny and they often blow off the questions as irrelevent or try to 'kill the messenger' who raises negative issues.

I think anybody who aspires to be President of the United States deserves close scrutiny and all pertinent matters related to that are fair game for discussion.

Eventually Obama's electability may depend on how many supporters can keep turning a blind eye to the negatives.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 09:39 am
Advocate wrote:
It seems that all the right can do is nit pick Dems on personal matters. I could less about those things. We now need a president who will do something about deficits, the wars, the economy, the dollar, health-care coverage, the environment, social security, and other important matters affecting the health of the country.

I think that Obama is much more able to accomplish cures.

Yeah right. Just like President Bush's religious views or IQ or education or military record or family ties or associations with oil companies or the people he surrounded himself with or his track record as Governor of Texas were never even mentioned by your side. Your side didn't care about anything other then the economy, the dollar, health-care coverage, the environment, social security, and other important matters affecting the health of the country. Uh huh. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2008 10:17 am
I find it hard to believe that you all, liberals, seem to believe that 2 years in the senate qualifies him to be the president of change. D.C is filled with political sharks not only conserative, but liberal. Its going to take four years just for him to learn how to avoid being eaten. He docent have the Bush "who cares' temperament to survive. And if he chooses his advisors the way he chooses his friends were in a lot of trouble. Assuming he wins the election of course. It looks to me like were screwed no matter who wins.
0 Replies

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