Ticomaya wrote:joefromchicago wrote:Ticomaya wrote:How do you know it's false, Joe? Or did you just mean it hasn't been proven to be true?
By "false" I mean "there is ample evidence to convince a disinterested observer that it is false."
Seems like there's enough evidence to convince a disinterested observer that it might be true.
Hardly. Here again are those points:
[i](1) It was about this time that Tony helped the senator and his wife buy a house...[/i]
There are no facts to suggest that Rezko did anything, apart from perhaps providing some advice, that helped Obama in purchasing the house. If you have some proof to the contrary, I'm sure there are many people who would be eager to see it.
[i](2)...and when the senator couldn't afford to buy the lot next door...[/i]
There are no facts to suggest that Obama couldn't afford to buy the lot next door, or that he was even interested in purchasing that lot. If you have some proof to the contrary, I'm sure there are many people who would be eager to see it.
[i](3)...to give himself a little breathing room - Tony bought the lot and sold them part of it at a bargain.[/i]
There are no facts to suggest that Rezko sold that strip of land to Obama at a bargain price. If you have some proof to the contrary, I'm sure there are many people who would be eager to see it.
Now, of course, there's always the possibility that your disinterested observer and my disinterested observer are two entirely different people. Your disinterested observer, for instance, appears to be mentally retarded, and I guess that might explain why you think there is enough evidence to convince him that Rezko helped Obama buy the property, bought the adjoining parcel when Obama couldn't afford it, and sold him the strip of land at a bargain price. That would certainly explain a lot. You'll excuse me, however, if I hold
my disinterested observer to a higher standard.
Ticomaya wrote:I asked you what you knew. If you know more than I do, you haven't stated it yet. And you haven't stated a sufficient basis, in my view, for your proclamation of its falsehood.
Obama's home purchase has been scrutinized by both Chicago papers, neither of which is terribly sympathetic to the senator. Obama gave a
90-minute interview to the editorial board of the Tribune, which ultimately concluded that, although Obama was unwise to have dealings with Rezko, Obama's explanation of the transaction, in which he said "[t]his notion that somehow I got a discount and Rezko overpaid is simply not true,"
was "plausible."
Addressing the specific allegations (based on the foregoing linked stories):
[i](1) It was about this time that Tony helped the senator and his wife buy a house...[/i]
Rezko toured the house with Obama for about 15-30 minutes. At most, he provided advice regarding the value of the property. Apart from that, Rezko did nothing to "help" Obama buy the house.
[i](2)...and when the senator couldn't afford to buy the lot next door...[/i]
Obama was not even interested in purchasing the side lot, and the sellers confirm that the two transactions were not related in any fashion.
[i](3)...to give himself a little breathing room - Tony bought the lot and sold them part of it at a bargain.[/i]
Rezko bought the side lot for $625,000. Even though Obama's appraiser valued the strip at $40,500, "Obama paid the Rezkos $104,500, or a sixth of their original $625,000 purchase price, because he was acquiring a sixth of the land." Far from being a bargain, it could be argued that Obama paid more than twice what the strip of land was worth.
Now, under normal circumstances, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But where there are substantial incentives to find the evidence and sufficient time to uncover it, and there has been, to date, nothing found to refute the only plausible explanations that have been offered, I feel confident that the factual allegations of wrongdoing are simply false, just as I feel confident that the absence of evidence of alien abductions or the Loch Ness Monster or Iraqi WMDs is evidence of the falsity of those claims. If you, on the other hand, are credulous enough to be satisfied that mere claims, without any supporting facts, are sufficient evidence of those claims, then I suppose you're entitled to make that conclusion.
Ticomaya wrote:Point out where I claimed my excerpt from the Times (btw, I'll call the Chicago rag whatever the hell I want to) refuted anything. I merely asked you how you knew those points were false, and then quoted the facts from the Times.
The facts are pretty well-known, and I never said that those facts were false. Rather, I was addressing certain conclusions that were simply not supported by the facts. That you, for some unknown reason, thought it necessary to repeat the facts is, I suppose, your affair. If you didn't post them to refute my assertions, then I don't know why you posted them. But then you're free to post any sort of irrelevant crap that you choose. I can't stop you.
Ticomaya wrote:But now you go ahead and show me your proof of the falsity of the claims made in the article Au quoted. I'm equally eager to see this.