ehBeth wrote:Quote: saying he was going negative to mask his poor performance in last week's debate.
which circles back to the title of the thread

A PS to the previous post. When you counter Soz's argument about what happened by saying that it's "all a matter of perception" - OK, fine, fair enough; and when you then bring a quote, or two, from unspecified voices saying the opposite, you'd guess that those are, like, other observers, just with different impressions.
But instead, though you didnt mention it either time, your first quote was from one of Hillary's campaign managers, as Soz said, and this quote is from Hillary herself.
Two remarks on that.
First, on a stylistic note, it's a bit, eh... Well, let me put it this way. Just imagine your own reaction, if someone observed something negative about President Bush and Foxfyre, say, would respond, "well, that's all just a matter of perception," and bring an observation saying the opposite. Except this quote turned out to be from Bush's speechwriter, something she'd failed to mention. How would you look upon that? Just askin'...
Second, so what's this prove? Clinton Campaign Believes Obama Is the More Negative Candidate? Um, no kidding?