But I also already started writing a reply to your post on another note:
sozobe wrote:As for the article, definitely a tragic story. [..] I do see someone who is anti-Obama and doesn't seem to have a clear reason for it. She doesn't say "I think Hillary would be better at reforming health care," which I'd get. But no, it's:
You dont understand what she means? Or where she's coming from with that observation?
It's completely an emotional/instinctive thing, of course - clearly beyond the realm of rationally weighing policies. But I totally get what she means. And how he would come across that way especially from where she's standing.
It's the flip side of being such an energetic young candidate, I guess, and at the same time being such a "steady eddie". Being unfazable is good in a presidential candidate. But yeah, there's not a lot of struggle to identify with there. Hillary, in comparison, is all too human, flaws, missteps, tribulations and all.
I dunno. I sometimes really think there must be some kind of cultural gap that keeps many of Obama's heart-core supporters from realising how his campaign comes across sometimes. And/or [separate issue] from understanding how things work or look on the other side - that a lot of people dont talk about the elections in terms of "I think Hillary would be better at reforming health care". In a perfect world, everyone would reason like Sozobes. :wink: But then the world might also be a little too perfect, rational, unflappable. Many people are just looking for someone who they think can
feel them - can understand what it's like to be them, and will be able to put himself in their place when making decisions.
I think Obama actually
can - and he's definitely shown it better lately, in his PA ads for example (examples
here). Whereas I think Hillary is just good at faking it, or in the end doesnt care to follow up on it. But the culture gap between the Obama campaign/supporters and the traditional, non-middle class Democratic roots just keeps on, keeps on, bothering me.
I wonder what McCabe would have thought of John Edwards ...