I've been saying for a while that Obama is holding something in check in his debates with Hillary. Partly that is due to how she handled early debates (and is probably a strategic win for her) -- she made it clear that she'd play the "being mean to the lady!!" card at every opportunity (which was one of the earliest reasons I went from "*I* like her fine but I don't think she can win" to "she's pissing me off.")
This was interesting:
Quote:My 82 Year Old Mother's Debate Reaction
By Andrienne Wilson - April 17, 2008, 8:03PM
Everyone on every network is missing the entire point of Obama's approach, and it is so basic I cannot believe no one has caught on. There is one simple and overiding reason that Obama does not go in for the kill with Clinton, and it has nothing to do with his ability to "close the deal". Obama has to gain this nomination without pissing off all of Hillary's supporters.
If he dives in to any of the critical comments pundits and so-called reporters think he needs to in order to show some killer instinct, he will totally lose the women who are currently pro-Hillary forever. The vitriol is bad enough now, can you imagine how Hillary's girls would feel about him if he had flattened her?
I asked my 82 year old mother, who hates politics with a passion because it is so negative, what she thought about the debate. She said "Well, he's being a gentleman, of course. Thank goodness, that is why I will vote for him." She then said "It's about time someone behaved properly." She then also asked me why I was making her watch the coverage. "You know this is why I hate politics, I'm going to go play mahjong on the computer."
Simple, to the point, out of the mouth of a lady who usually won't even pay attention to all of this. This is not unpreparedness, this is foresight so complete, and farreaching that gaming minds have missed it. He can't win without all of those women. He can't win those women if they hate him for destroying Hillary.
I really think that if he gets the nomination and it's just him vs. McCain, we're going to see a much more cutting side to his debate performances.
Basically, I think he's debating Hillary through a filter, and that the filter would be removed if/when he debates McCain.
I don't mean all-out aggression or anything, he'll still be Obama of course. But more stinging wit (of the "the wheels have come off the Straight Talk Express" type), more addressing him directly, ("John, seven years ago you said...") And I think more comfort too.
We'll see. (I hope.)