Quote:Let's say for the sake of argument that your wife is a dispatcher at a small construction supply house and she works with 6 guys. Well, one day one of the 3 guys working in the office makes a pass at her and one of the three guys working in the yard who respects and likes your wife hears about it and files a report with the office manager complaining of sexual harassment of your wife....well the 3 guys in the office are cool with the pass made on your wife...they don't see any harm done...but that's not the point
It is entirely possible that my wife likes the attention, and that one of the three office guys enjoys giving her attention, what business is it of the three yard workers? Their rights have not been impacted, except for the argument that they have a right to work in a desexualized workplace, an argument that I do not buy.
If my wife has a problem with other peoples conduct then she should try to deal with it with the actual perps. If that does not work then she should bring her boss into it. The yard workers should mind their own business.
You will see in multiple threads in multiple ways that I am categorically apposed to treating adults as children, to takeing them out of responsibility for their conduct and their well being. Humans tend to raise and fall to the expectations of those around them, and we need to have individuals at the top of their game. We are as a collective a collection of individuals, a strong collective needs strong individuals. People are made strong by way of being challenged, and being motivated towards vigilance because bad things can happen if they are not. I am appalled at the nanny state, this idea that we should try to protect people from all harm, even harm that they would cause themselves. I am horrified that we have decided that if a person does not stick up for themselves and they get hurt then everyone else is responsible, it is nuts that bystanders have more culpability than the person being harmed. We have a duty to come to the aid and comfort of those who are being hurt, if they so desire, we don't have a duty to protect them. They are not children and should not be treated as such.