A quick story about racism.

Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2009 08:26 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

What does "afro-engineered thing" mean ?
Is that a denunciation of bad workmanship falling apart?

The politically correct version of "nigger rigged". To do a poor job fixing an item, usually with sub-par materials.
Tyrone's bumper fell of his car so he afro-engineered it by super gluing it back on.


I see; thank u, Hawkeye.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2009 08:44 pm
@Diest TKO,
Diest TKO wrote:

Setanta wrote:

The problem i see with this "n-rigged" and "afro-engineered" thing is that it is so unnecessary. We already have a locution in the language--jury-rigged--which means exactly the same thing. To use such expressions is a matter of intent, one can express the idea with jury-rigged, or with "kind of Rube Goldberg" and never need descend into invidious comparisons based on racist stereotypes.


When someone believes they are getting a bad deal, there is no necessity to refer to refer to the situation as getting "jewed."


The First Amendment being what it IS,
and freedom of both thought and speech
being what thay ARE, everyone has an absolute RIGHT
to be racist of opinion and to speak his opinion openly,
if that is what he chooses to DO including against MY race.
Every American is constitutionally free of any compulsion to be politically correct.
No one has any duty to please the people who support political correctness.

(This is not to imply that anyone has a right to harass anyone else
on ANY basis including race.)

Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2009 09:30 pm
The First Amendment being what it IS,
and freedom of both thought and speech
being what thay ARE, everyone has an absolute RIGHT
to be racist of opinion and to speak his opinion openly

Damn Straight, a person has the right to to be a racist, bigot, homophobic, a hater, misogynist...whatever. It is actions that are legislated and policed , not feelings and/or beliefs. At least that is how it was supposed to work, did work for a long time, and should work again.
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Diest TKO
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2009 11:46 pm
Nobody said they don't have a legal right David, hawkeye. Take the red herring elsewhere. This isn't a discussion on law, but rather good taste. It's not even a discussion on political correctness. It's about some people that go out of their way to promote racial stereotypes.

I took the only action within my power: I told their team lead it made me and some others on my team feel uncomfortable. It was up to him whether or not to address it or if it was important at to him. He addressed it with his team, because he took pride in his work and thought it looked bad. End of story. Not about law at all.

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:05 am
@Diest TKO,
I took the only action within my power: I told their team lead it made me and some others on my team feel uncomfortable. It was up to him whether or not to address it or if it was important at to him. He addressed it with his team, because he took pride in his work and thought it looked bad. End of story. Not about law at all.

You are right, it is about your inability to take people as you find them, if you don't happen to agree with them. It is about your intolerance.
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:14 am
It was the right thing for me to do, and their team leader agreed. I can tolerate racists and bigots, but I owe it to myself and others to not to simply be idle. My team looked to me to be the voice of leadership on the matter, and I conveyed our concern. If we were to hear more of that kind of speech, we would not like it, but certainly the others would know how it was perceived.

We left them to self-govern and determine if our respect was of any value to them.

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:31 am
@Diest TKO,

Your right to complain about their sense of propriety & good taste
is exactly equal to their right to complain about your sense of propriety and good taste.

Thay (the speakers) may well deem u to have fallen deeper into error
than u do about them, with your holier than thou position.

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:33 am
David wrote:

Re: genoves (Post 3676222)
They really care nothing about truth but only wish to feel good
about the wonderful people they really are!!
That brings up an interesting point, tho a sad point.
Sometimes it has appeared to me
that leftists go out of their way to advocate the opposite of good.
Thay delight in waving the flag of fundamental evil; not always -- sometimes.
Of course, David.But after reading these posts, especially the mealy mouthed ones by Diest TKO, I wish he could give us who are still "socially retarded" the secrets of how to be such a tolerant, good natured, and practically holy person--such as he is--or has told us that he is.

He is probably a four star hypocrite who would not allow his daugher to date an African-American.

He tells us that he is superior to all of us since he is so tolerant, understanding and intelligent. When he discovers that a minority has taken the promotion that he should have gotten, I know what he will do--since he is so filled with goodness--He will go to that person and say--Congratulations, Leroy. I am sure that you are a better Engineer than I am and the best man for the job.

Sure, he will.

But, despite all of his bull, he still cannot handle the statistics I gave. Like so many on the left, he thinks that if he looks down at his shoes, the evidence will go away. It will for him but not for others who read it.
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:34 am
David wrote:

The First Amendment being what it IS,
and freedom of both thought and speech
being what thay ARE, everyone has an absolute RIGHT
to be racist of opinion and to speak his opinion openly,
if that is what he chooses to DO including against MY race.
Every American is constitutionally free of any compulsion to be politically correct.
No one has any duty to please the people who support political correctness.

(This is not to imply that anyone has a right to harass anyone else
on ANY basis including race.)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:35 am
David wrote"I(concerning Diest TKO's first post--

My thought is that u r against freedom of speech.

MY allegiance is to FREE SPEECH and to fighting against political correctness.

As a matter of fact, as I ponder it:
your post betokens hostility to freedom of THOUGHT
unless (presumably) the person thinking is doing so
in perfect accord with YOUR chosen beliefs.


I like your posts, David. I have told you that before, but I must regretably point out something you may have missed.

I am sure that if you asked Diest TKO and Setanta, they would say that when they pray, they think--"I am so glad that I am not biased and not a member of the KKK." I can hold my head up high since I do not discriminate against anyone( except those that are so stubborn they won't see the truth). I am a progressive thinker allied to freedom--equality---tolerance--even license, if need be. I feel so sorry for those who have not glimpsed the truth."

You( andI) David are anethema to the people like Diest TKO and Setanta who have been freed of prejudice.

They have a right to feel good about themselves, don't they?( even though some psychologists say that their thoughts are a way to boost their flagging egos and self-esteem). They really care nothing about truth but only wish to feel good about the wonderful people they really are!!
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:42 am
I wonder if you noticed, David--Diest TKO's post was utterly devoid of fact. Irt sounds like something written by an old lady after a tea party. It is so sweet and prissy but self-righteous. I am the avenging angel says Diest TKO.

But, Diest did not address the following. I knew he wouldn't. I post it anyway for the edification of others. It is not an heart wringing emotional lachrymose blurb but rather a fact filled list which asks-WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GET YOUR AFRICAN AMERICAN ENGINEERS, DIEST TKO?


Where are you going to get your Afro-American engineers, Diest TKO?


The 2006 SAT Reasoning Test was the first to have three sections: Critical Reading (formerly “Verbal”), Mathematics, and Writing.

Self-Identified as Reading Math Writing
American Indian or Alaskan Native 487 494 474
Asian, Asian-American,
or Pacific Islander 510 578 512
Black or African-American 434 429 428
Mexican or Mexican-American 454 465 452
Puerto Rican 459 456 448
Other Hispanic, Latino,
or Latin American 458 463 450
White 527 536 519
Other 494 513 493
No Response 487 506 482
Total 503 518 497
Male 505 536 491
Female 502 502 502
SAT Reasoning Test

Always at the bottom in Math--Why? Well, you know they have been "victimized" by the racist society! Imagine a cab driver wouldn't take Snide in her cab.

But, when one reads about Cab Drivers, strange stories, even stranger than Snide's appear--


"Riddick Bragg is a middle aged African-American who drives a Yellow Cab in the Nation's capital. I don't have a problem picking up anybody but I have to be careful. I won't pick up three black men at one time. If I pick up two, I have one sit up in front. There are some places I simply won't go."

HOW SHOCKING!!! Was Snide wearing his Malcome X T-shirt? That might explain it.

And, I am sure that Snide never heard of this--"There is nothing more painful for me than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start to think about robbery, and then see it's somebody white and feel relieved"

Who said that -Snide? The great Afro-American leader--Jesse Jackson.

But Diest TKO and other posters tell stories but do not give facts.

Why are so few Afro-Americans PARTNERS in big law? If, as Obama says, the goodies in society should be equally distributed, 12% of the lawyers in big law should be black.

And< I am sure that you do not know that Afro-American scores on the LSAT which is needed to get into law school is abysmal. But that is, of course, because of endemic racism in society--Yeah-sure.


Law Firms Still Lag in Minority Hiring
By: David Rubenstein and Jennifer Juarez Robles

Not only do few blacks attend big-name schools, they tend to have lower grades than their white counterparts, law firms complain.

While no data is available on students' grades by race, minorities' scores on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), considered a reliable predictor of future law school performance, are 10 points lower than whites', according to the Law School Admission Council in Newton, Penn., which is affiliated with the group that oversees the LSAT. The mean for all test-takers is 32; the mean for minorities is 22 on a scale of 10 to 48.

Associate Dean Robert Clayton of Tulane University Law School explained the implications of LSAT data, using an example from the University of Chicago. In 1989 the average LSAT score for an entering freshman there was 44, and only 48 blacks out of 5,000-plus law school applicants score that high, said Clayton, a member of the council committee that compiled the figures.

"What that means is that you are introducing, based on your admission criteria, black and Hispanic students who are predicted to finish in the bottom 50 percent of the class," he said. And the higher the standards of the school, the further down in class rank minorities are likely to be.

Now, Diest TKO, since I am sure you can't rebut this, I know you won't. I also know that Setanta who is afraid of me since I eviscerated his failing argument that the Nazis were totally right wing and not at all Socialistic, will not do it.

Snide, of course,cannot do it. I have never seen him use a link at any time on these threads.

I leave this evidence for those who really want to learn. It is obvious that Diest TKO has great learning--100 yards wide and a half inch deep!
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:43 am
David-Thank you for renewing my faith in logic, law and truth!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:44 am
so this is how a bored troll gets his jollies on a dismal sunday morning?

(just curious)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:47 am
You( andI) David are anethema to the people like Diest TKO and Setanta who have been freed of prejudice.

that is really the point, they are incredibly prejudiced, and hostile towards those that they are prejudiced against. They are in fact as guilty of a certain humanity trait as are those that they condemn, this seeking to be with our kind and eliminate other kinds.

and round and round we go, humans with a huge propensity to be evil and destructive, and dishonest about our own true natures.
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:51 am
You know what David? In regards to "holier than thou" when it comes to people promoting negative stereotypes to groups of people on the basis of gender, orientation, age, or as in this case race, I am. Absolutely. I shy not from claiming the moral high ground on a topic like this. I'm more than comfortable in having that discussion. Are you volunteering to be the opposition on this? Do you want to tell me the high merits of this kind of speech? Trying to pretend that all speech is on level ground is stupid David. Certainly people have the right to say hateful things, but it does not make it appropriate for a work environment/classroom/lab.

Your example is pointless. Of course they had a right to address anything me or my team did that offended them. Of course they have that right. This wasn't about rights, it was about poor taste. They made me and members of my team uncomfortable/offended. It was unprofessional on their behalf, and their team leader agreed.

Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:58 am
Oh my, Diest TKO has the MORAL HIGH GROUND. On what basis? On the basis of a story that you told? The problem with you, Diest TKO is that you are unable to debate using facts. You argue like a hysterical woman!
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 12:59 am
and you much like a playground bully...

childhood issues perhaps?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:00 am
Hawkeye 10 wrote about Diest TKO.

that is really the point, they are incredibly prejudiced, and hostile towards those that they are prejudiced against. They are in fact as guilty of a certain humanity trait as are those that they condemn, this seeking to be with our kind and eliminate other kinds.

and round and round we go, humans with a huge propensity to be evil and destructive, and dishonest about our own true natures.

Are you so emasculated that you cannot handle Hawkeye 10's post, Diest TKO.?

He has you down pat!
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:05 am
How is approaching the team leader and explaining how it made my team uncomfortable/offended "hostile?"

Your argument is vacant. Intolerance would have been my insistence that it stopped, or that the team be moved to another lab perhaps.

I had a responsibility to my team and myself. The other team leader agreed.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Jun, 2009 01:11 am
Not long ago, I actually had one of them deny the basic logic of language.
He said that 2 sentences that were the same except that one of them
included the word "not" were the same-- a frontal assault against logic.

Sometimes I believe that the minds of conservatives and liberals
are like oil and water.

My dead friend, Neil, was a cab driver, among many other things.
He told me of a young beatnik type leftist in the 1960s who kept ranting,
his first 2 nites on the job stridently against racism.
Tho the other cab drivers did not want to hear it,
he woud not shut up about it. Then he got mugged and beaten
with a baseball club and got mugged and beaten again the next nite
both by his favorite minoritiy group that we shall not mention.

He still woud not shut up, but his opinions changed precipitously 180 degrees.
I guess that tends to support your assertion.

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