@Diest TKO,
Diest TKO wrote:
Quote:How did I stifle free speech? Specifically. Details.
OK, the specific details of how u stiffled free speech
are that u tried to get his boss (?) to threaten him
(directly and explicity, or indirectly and vaguely)
as to his economic well being if he exercised his natural right
and his constitutional right to think what he chose to think
and to express his thoughts freely.
Speaking to his boss was your technique of suppressing the victim 's speech.
THAT 's how.
Quote:I'm calling your bluff.
I 'm bluffing
I find humor in that.
The team member who made the comments had the exact ability
to say the same comments after I talked to the other team lead.
U successfully attempted to get him
THREATENED by his boss (?)
into relinquishing his right of freedom of speech
because u did not like the speech.
Their rights: unaffected.
I wasn't trying to take away their speech rights.
TECHNICALLY, that is true,
the same way that if a robber robs u of your cash,
he does not and cannot rob u of the
RIGHT to have the cash.
The victim still has the
RIGHT to have that cash,
after the robber has
taken the cash away,
and while the robber is out on the town spending it.
U are not capable of
TAKING AWAY anyone 's rights,
but u
are able to
violate them, and that is what u successfully
I was bringing attention to the other team lead of what kind of
professionalism a member of his team was exhibiting, because
I thought he would care about how his team was perceived.
He did care. He agreed. He addressed it. done. End of story. All rights intact.
No. U successfully had him
financially intimidated, qua loss of wages.
By scaring him out of the exercise of his rights,
u have violated those rights. Its the same as hiring goons
to stake out the polls at election time and having them
your least favorite folks to go away, without actually laying hands on them
and then claiming: "End of story. All rights intact."
Thay have the right to vote and u scared them out of using that right.
Right to vote or right to speak freely = same principle.