Cycloptichorn wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
DrewDad said it first.
Think about it the other way.
The opposite is one where we are permissive and what is the product of that?
Yeah; people who don 't share your point of vu
PERMISSION to have their own thoughts or (much worse) to express them.
Those who who spout irrational racist terms deserve to be limited in their ability to do so within the workplace. The effects of this are directly harmful to morale.
For the sake of argument,
conceive of an Anti-Cycloptichorn -- the direct n exact
opposite of yourself. (Yin Yang)
If the political pendulum keeps swinging,
as it always has, to the effect that the democratic process
elevates to power people of the
Anti-Cycloptichorn's point of vu
then he will say:
"Those who who spout irrational
non-racist terms deserve to be limited
in their ability to do so within the workplace. The effects of this are directly harmful to morale."
In other words, so far as thought police
or speech police are concerned: its only a question
You are incorrect; that is what is known as a false equivalence.
It isn't about 'thought' police; you are allowed to think whatever you wish. However, there are certain standards of decorum which must be upheld in public, and especially at the workplace: namely, to not engage in speech which causes distress to others for no good reason.
This is why you see sexist, racist, and other forms of discriminatory speech banned: they add nothing to the workplace at all and severely detract from the environment for many.
Why you feel the need to defend racist speech is beyond me;
can you provide an explanation which does not revolve around agreement with that speech?
I can. I will.
The situation of which u approve is a
USURPATION of power.
I re-iterate that proceeding upon this basis,
government has only the same authority as a schoolyard bully.
It is an artifact of historical
random chance
that the philosophy that pleases u is in power at the moment.
If the exact other side were elected to replace it in the future,
u 'd not like the opinions to which u have objected to be
by successful politicians on the opposite side of the (figurative) coin.
Despotisms of the 1900s have already
mandated that citizens
MUST say this and are
prohibited from saying
It has cost innocent people their lives
to have said the rong thing or to have failed to say the right thing.
U don 't seem to understand
that u have propagated the idea
we import that toxic extortion HERE,
as long as it points in the
direction that u favor.
If the precedent of speech control is
then its future direction can be changed to
stifle dissent
in many different ways, some of which might be dear to your heart.
If the stiffling of dissent from what is currently in favor is accepted,
it can be used
against YOU in the future.
I merely point out that government was never granted this authority.
Free speech shoud continue as it did from 1789 up thru the mid 1950s,
neither requiring nor prohibiting any form of speech.
Government shoud just
play it straight,
only the powers granted to it.
Government was never authorized to turn people into hypocrits.