0 Reply report Mon 2 Mar, 2009 03:21 pm A GREAT POST BY ICAN.
Re: ican711nm (Post 3588114)
ican711nm wrote:
(links were posted multiple times in previous posts)
Unemployment decreased from 9.7% in 1982, to 5.6% in 1990.
Income tax rates decreased from 12% min and 50% max in 1982, to 15% min and 33% max in 1990.
Revenues increased from 617,766 million in 1982, to 1,032,094 million in 1990.
GDP increased from 2,789.5 billion in 1980, to 5,103.8 billion in 1988.
And this speaks for itself:
59% Still Believe Government Is the Problem
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Rasmussen Reports
In early October, as the meltdown of the financial industry gained momentum following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 59% of U.S. voters agreed with Ronald Reagan that “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
Since then, the stock market has fallen roughly 3,000 points, millions of jobs have been lost, nearly a trillion dollars has been spent so far to bail out the financial industry, an additional $787-billion government stimulus package has been approved, and a new president has taken office who has proposed spending billions and billions more.
Despite all that, a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows that the basic views of the American people have not change: 59% of voters still agree with Reagan’s inaugural address statement. Only 28% disagree, and 14% are not sure.
Middle-income voters are more likely to agree with Reagan than those who earn less than $20,000 or more than $100,000.
Political liberals strongly reject Reagan’s view by a 60% to 28% margin. Forty-seven percent (47%) of moderates agree, while 32% do not. Conservatives are overwhelmingly supportive.
Although the Republican Party in Washington veered away from Reagan’s approach in the years since the 40th president left office, 83% of Republican voters around the country still agree with him. So do 40% of Democrats and 60% of those not affiliated with either major party.
A majority of all voters say the Republican Party should return to the views and values of Reagan to be successful.