jm, this whole idea of greed by private companies, I have never been able to fathom how ignorant liberals seem to be in regard to human nature. As if they are not greedy? Fat chance. A certain amount of greed comes with human nature. Self interest or responsibility for self, is a good thing. If taken to the extreme without regard to fellow human beings, perhaps thats greed. But what is more greedy than demanding from others what you do not personally care to work for, which is a part of socialism.
And here is the really important point to remember. Competition keeps greed to an acceptable level. If business becomes too greedy, you can simply not buy from that business, go buy it somewhere else, or do without it altogether, or find an alternative product, there are lots of possibilities. At least there is a check and balance on greed. Not so with bigger government, as there is no alternative, you are forced to be subject to their greed for more power and money.
How many peoples lives, how much work, how many life's savings, how many people will have to be abused and ruined before we see the error of bigger and bigger government?