ebrown_p wrote:If the man "helps out" <<snorts>> yeah right.
Why is it that when a man does housework he is just "helping out".
You guys just don't get it, do you.
Every part of this conversation reeks of sexism and stereotypes.
BECAUSE, as was posted EARLIER, Most Men STILL DON'T do their share! Okay?? And when a woman has to remind a man to do something, it's not the same thing as just doing it.
And coincidentally, there was a report on the radio this morning discussing this very thing. Apparently in the early '70's, 25% of men contributed in the home; today, closer to 40% do. Still not at 50%. And that doesn't include things like taking kids to appointments, lessons, scheduling events, etc.
This is not sexist, ep, this is REALITY.
And yea, it's called BABYSITTING when the dad rarely looks after the kids on his own.