Women are as always free to attempt to negotiate a deal on domestic work, and since most men want sex more than women sex is a bargaining chip. The study shows that the average is a 70/30 split on who does the work, if a woman wants to get closer to 50/50 in her marriage she might need to see about a deal. Guys know what others guys do, they are not going to take the argument that 50/50 is the standard, becuase it is not.[/quote]
You can't have a negotiation without two willing parties and from the sounds of this tale, he's not talking, he's telling.
And why should a woman 'need to see about a deal' in order to 'get closer to 50/50 in her marriage'? Why in the world should she? You've been advocating equality all along and now you're singing a different tune.
Tell me, what would your advice be to this woman in this situation, given the facts as we have them, or the story as it's been laid out.
And as far as going to a 'cleaner, younger house', yeah, good response, epbrown. He won't budge, she refuses to work as hard, he won't help pay for a cleaner, and the result is that he seeks out another woman? I trust you're joking.