DrewDad wrote:squinney wrote:My fave was when it was played out by Mel Gibson. He was a true patriot.
But, the one thing I never really "got" was how those guys just walked right into the end of each others guns, all lined up and walkin' right to their deaths.
That was stupid.
The limitation was communications, if I remember correctly.
If you disperse your troops, you lose the ability to coordinate their movements and risk each detachment being defeated individually.
Another problem was reloading. You can't reload a musket laying on your belly.
Lack of communication and loss of troops from being dispersed?
Ha! Have you seen them? They march along in a line with drums and flutes, for chrissake, announcing their location EXACTLY!! That was how Mel shook 'em up - he hid in the woods and creek beds and ambushed 'em and that made them cry "Foul! Hey, you can't hide in the woods! You have to line up out here in the open field and march towards us with your little drummer boys."
From the movies I've seen that didn't change much between the Revolutionary and Civil wars. Well. except the colors of the uniforms. Those changed.
I've always liked blue.
Which side wore blue, again?
Oh, well.