Northern Illinois University Shooting

Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 07:08 pm
Got mighty quiet here, just sweepin' fore I turn off the light...

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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:02 pm
What an unfortunate event.

We need to allow concealed weapons on college campus'. These people are adults and need to be able to defend themselves in these types of situations.

I hate living in Illinois.
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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:05 pm
Ma, I understand and sympathize with you. Having lived there, I find their laws not working well myself.

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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:07 pm
Move to Michigan. We have CCW and castle doctrine.

We need more people too. The auto industry has done nothing but bleed jobs forcing those with limited skillsets to leave.
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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:08 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Move to Michigan. We have CCW and castle doctrine.

We need more people too. The auto industry has done nothing but bleed jobs forcing those with limited skillsets to leave.

I'd sooner go back to Arizona, this weather is killing me too.
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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:11 pm
I was in Illinois recently. I was told by the staff at a sporting goods store that I wasn't allowed to TOUCH the ammo without an FOID card. This despite the fact I had just backed into a huge display of shotgun shells in the aisle and knocked a couple boxes on the floor.

What idiocy.
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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:12 pm
cj, I've played in Michigan, and I understand more than ya think.

Nobody is tryin' ta move there right now....

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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:27 pm
Slightly off topic but still... relevant.

Edit [Moderator]: Image converted to a link
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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:33 pm
You know I like Ted, so if that was an insult, try harder...

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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:34 pm
I meant no insult to you or anyone.

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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 08:37 pm
Just teasin', cj.

You know I don't kick you 'cept when you might need it...

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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 09:22 pm
Apparently all of this person guns were bought legally in Illinois, even though Illinois has the strictest gun buying laws in the country.

Someone please tell me again how these laws make us any safer?
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Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 09:24 pm
They don't.

Just ban gun sales.

Then only us gun nuts and criminals will have guns. To hell with the next generation. [/sarcasm]
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 06:15 am
so you want to replace a failing concept with a ridiculous one. All the loopholes that exist in the laws and the lack of their enforcement make me consider the responsibilities that the gun merchants must accept'.


CHO bought guns at a gun show where , in VA the law re: mental cases being forbidden guns was easily circumvented, yet the dealer who sold XHo his guns isnt even being looked at sideways.

Kazmierczak bought guns legally , if you recognize that his mental condition was not disclosed or a quick check that cross checks his prescription registry wasnt done.

HOWCOME that in Pa, if I rent a car, they can do a quick check that finds out that I take BP medicine and we cant do the same in Ill. Considering that we have some really sharp A2kers from the great state of Illinois, do they even have the abilities to do these kinds of cross checks that the backward Commonwealth of Pa can do?

I know that the gun lobby , herein represented by the always entertaining CJHSa and OS DAvid, will lay in the road to develop some sanity in our gun laws. Im afraid that, should these senseless killings continue, that maybe some Constitutional Amendment may need to be inserted , and F**k the precious gun lobby.

YEh cj, I belong to a responsible gun owners association. We are a group that promotes realistic gun laws that the NRA abhors. Remember, the NRA is a manufacturers lobby, no different than the Mine machinery or Homebuilders. To make believe otherwise is hopelessly naive.
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 07:00 am
cross checks his prescription registry wasnt done

Since many medications have off-lable uses, what would a check of his Rx registry ( violation of patient rights by the way ) prove?
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 07:37 am
fman, you don't belong to a "responsible gun owners" group any more than the HSUS runs animal shelters.

You've been duped.
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 08:28 am
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 08:43 am
Miller, In Pa the system seems to work. I use non-formulary and formulary BP meds and theyre on record and useable for my driving record(but not if I wish to buy a gun). Is there a discontinuity here? you bet. It shows how the NRA has clowns like cj in their pockets.

cj--universal armament diodnt work in Forida, in Tombstone Arizona, or Somalia, so dont act like you are some guardian of freedoms you hypocrit.

In PA, Temple U is a "closed community" with gated entrance, ID requirements , and metal detectors. There are scant few antisocial events there today. (The U bit the bullet in the late 1980's when there were numerous attacks and rapes on the TEmple campus. Today, its probably the safest campus in Philly. )
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 03:26 pm
i suppose cj would enjoy living in kenya or afghanistan - no restrictions on guns , grenades , machetes etc. - VERY SAFE countries , it would seem . :wink:
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 04:16 pm
I think we have shown that people can't be trusted with guns.
Even in a developed, civilised country like the USA. We don't have to go to Kenya or Afghanistan to prove that.

So the solution is, if we want less bloodshed, is to take the guns away. All of them.
Bite the bullet, guys, then throw it away.
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