He was just about 10 months old. His Balls had just dropped (give or take 6 weeks) and it was around that time that I woke in the morning to the sound of him pissing on my favorite sweater. I assure you It was done at the proper time. He knew what it was about, too. I flew outta bed, and hissed at him. Yelled at him, makin all kinds of noise, he hid under the bed. After I had my coffee, he came out from under the bed, and greeted me like, "So what, Bitch, it's a fuckin SWEATER. Go wash it." Then I confined him to the bathroom, watched Youtube, (mostly for visual advise for restraint and positioning) Grabbed the masking tape, put his feet together, and FIXED HIS BALLS. Sure he was mad at first, but he seemed very grateful when I untaped his feet. He hid under the bed for about an hour. Then he came out and forgave me. He associated the event of his balls being taken with the pissing on my clothes. It was excellant behavior modification.
Who says you cant train a cat?