hawkeye10 wrote:dlowan wrote:
Whether a man cries easily or doesn't has very little to do with my assessment of his strength or attractiveness...except that, given our frequently noxious prescriptions for what men and women should be, I have a lot of respect for a man who is strong enough to express sadness, or joy, or being deeply moved, through tears. He's had the guts to stand up to a lot of traditional bullshit.
but are you in the mainstream? There is to my eye a lot of evidence that while women have long claimed that they want a new aged sensitive male who can cry for them, in practice this is rarely the case. women believe this is what they want until they are actually confronted with it, and then they are repulsed. think this is also shown by how little success the sensitive male has in getting the best women. For over decade i believed the line that women want the new age man, I see no evidence of this in the majority of men and women that I know. I now am firmly convinced that it is a myth, that men who don't ignore it are screwed.
Well, we live in very different groups, for which I am heartily thankful.
By the way....who said/says anything about crying "for them"?
If a bloke cries I would assume it is for himself, and if a fella cried "for me" I'd think him as daft as a woman who "cried for me", or a woman who "cried for" a man.
If a man is PRETENDING to be sensitive (and I have seen it done a lot by a couple of men I know very well.....often to good short term effect) then I do consider him weak...if he is prepared to lie about himself to get sex....just as I think women who act all frilly and pathetic and helpless to impress men are weak and dumb, too.
The genuinely strong AND sensitive men I know do damned well, thank you very much. Being sensitive and expressive is human. I want a human for a mate, not some idiot who is too scared to show his feelings.
I keep seeing this "nice guys finish last" crap all over here, and it's like a fungus, too ubiquitous to be bothered arguing over...but now I'm arguing!
In HUMANS generally I like strength and a hint of the devil. I don't think any of my friends are super "nice". They're all capable of being arrogant and stroppy and competitive and tough, and plain ornery some of the time.
This is not a "male I want" thing...it is a PERSON I want thing. And I think men who want cutesy, weak little women are daft, as well as women who want men who can't be vulnerable are.
As I said, that has nothing to do with weakness.