G - thisavo
friggin rollercoaster........ feeling sick... sick to my stomach - all my insecurities are back - not again, it couldn't happen again, surely not " am truly pathetic
of course it won't - it's not going to happen again " he’s gonna be strong and come by - i'm just feeling really sick that's all
Cleaning........can't stop cleaning now - dunno if there's something wrong or not - waiting on a phone call - just a stupid phonecall - I'm not even cleaning - I'm moving stuff outta of one cupboard into another cupboard - shuffling... I'm shuffling
last time - the phonecall never came - just disappeared again
there's probably nothing wrong, this is just me, being insecure - just there was a big hurdle to jump today - I don't know he'll make it over it - the biggest hurdle - he's strong, i know he's strong, he'll be fine, he'll be fine - will he? He was supposed to come by a few hours ago after he had jumped a hurdle..... he hasn't shown - could be a million reasons why, he hasn't called - could be a million reasons why - he's not answering his phones....... he could still be jumping
could be, he's done it again
i feel stupid even writing this...........posted, deleted, i feel stupid even thinking this could happen again - but i can't stop myself thinking it - even stupider to open up and get slammed- but hey, wouldn't make me feel any more shite! right now.
oh jeeeeeeez - shutup - i have to shutup - stop thinking it will go wrong, but then, why shouldn't it go wrong, why should it go right, bubbles burst all the time - why should I get something work out.
nobody said it was easy
we knew there were gonna be hurdles " this is a biggie
We’re the only ones who know what we think and feel about each other "that’s ok
gotta have a little faith huh
oh f*ck - i wrote this over many hours ago - i don't wanna push the button, but i do, i don't know what else to do
this is so stupid, of course there's nothing wrong, it's gonna be fine, it will, it will be fine - I KNOW IT WILL BE FINE
***************************************************************************************************************.......I am pathetic.................. it was fine. I lost control when he arrived- floods of tears (ack " hate that-couldn’t stop myself........... he was fine, big and strong........further hurdle tonite " R-boy boy turned up enexpected. (first time he saw in over 2 years - huge resentement from R to G........... it shocked both of them " but R and S-boy has planned it thisavo - R-boy was polite and respectful " I was so proud of him - he acknowledged G a couple time " no conversation. I just cooked them a meal, they played swingball, fished and giggled a bit " G arrived- 3 x 16 years puffed their chest.
G turned up....... again............. he wasn’t going to, he phoned to say he didn’t know if he could do it "see R-boy again, on the same day " I made my thoughts clear " said it was his decision " pieces would be needed to be picked up again, by me, to me, it would be hid decision - that would result in hurting me and my kids. He had a choice. 2 years ago he couldn't do it.......... that was that.
two year later - He came straight round then. I f ed the and then went and sat in the garden. They came out to us.... ate their foor and.... a.little auqward, then left. The Bigboys were just coco.> R slightly agitated = completely under control tho. He needed his buddies around him. This was massive for R - first face to face contact in over years. So proud of him- He did brilliant.
It was all fine " all sitting in the garden " I cooked them a makehaste meal, they played swingball a bit " 3 monster lads and Sean G and I sitting quietly talking " just chatting and sipping tea. Phew. This coulda meant make or bread.... I couldn’t watch him to do tis to R again, if he hadn't shown up, actually, nor Sean or me " he was making it too big, too exaggerated - such a huge big worry - "just come by, be an adult, act normal, be in control of your emotions - sp what is the problem G.... you can do this, it's whether you choose to give R the power back, and kick him again not turning up when you know he's here and he's knows your'e coming over - you are coming to see ME..... R will be here - so WHAT! - just come in, do what we do naturally, R-boy, his friends and S-boy have to fit in " they did " it was coco.... may get some R-boy payback on the phone tomorrow- i can do that if that happens,.... plenty practice... maybe not = maybe he is growing up " very proud at his maturity today. Fishfingers and pasta " full tummies, played a bit, left, no hug " that s’ok. He’s hugged me twice (out of duty " but still)
I have been an emotional wreck all day " for no good reason. I was Mrs Strong tonite with R and G "it was fine.
Need to sleep.... taken pills................. spinning " falling down heap bigtime
I know I shouldn’t post anything of this - especially now. If don’t I’m not being true to me....... I need to do this, even if I get slammed for sheer stupity and wake up calls. Hey ho. I hope not. I'm truly wasted as it is.
I’m crap " all so unnessary " just I cant’ imagine him doing this to me again. How wrong was I? MAHOUSIVE wrong " never been so glad to be wrong.. Sleep, I need sleep. Sorry to whinge. I don’t want to............ I am just so friggin insecure at times that he will drop me dead. My heart tells me he wont..... my head tells me he may. We are together - beautiful........ We are apart " we just do and , get on, everyday normal but miss each other.
I stumbled badly. All is good tho........... I believe " Live laugh Love
Gonna sit by my river now - won't fall ing (no worries) and look for Noody and arroooooooooooooo forBeth, MrHbg,MM & Stacy, Tulip, LilK, Babbling, Edgar and all those you need a how. Sorry to whinge. Resolved. Scuse typing and mistakes, can't check back - shouldn't post- out for the count " falling down. Need my bed.................Hot choc, river, Noddy, Bed. Done/
apols - one day I will feel stronger. So scared today. So scared.
Love y’all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx