Bethie... thanku for letting me know - perspective and understanding - I'm glad you had crew around when you needed help - physically and mentally - must have been very scary. I'm sorry - but glad you have found spectacular too. I have too - I know that. I see spectacular every day.
Mountains are all relative - the biggest mountain may be a molehill - but it's just as hard to climb. Even blind, a mole can make it look easy - but it can be hard work even when you see where you're going but there's something that stops you - and no matter how much you "will" it not to be there, you will never get to the top. Gotta find a path around mine right now...
you completely understand what I'm trying to comprehend right now, don't you?
I know I need to talk - I guess it should be here tho I'm no longer toppling off anymore and I wouldn‘t wish anyone to think that anything is bad, because it really isn‘t, quite the opposite, I feel good, life is good - I don't think I will topple again - too many folks have given me excellent perspective and shown me what I've achieved already - in just over a year - but I have to come to terms with my figurative mountain and I'm not sure I know how to.
I should be talking over here - Noddy would be slapping my wrist at the steel trap I've got going on. If I could say it out loud and spit it out - I'd be loosening the grip, and in so doing, getting a grip.
“Stupid woman - just get on with it" I hear. Get out the bubble and quit complaining. Well, I‘m not complaining, I‘m musing. Problem is - the bubble is the easy life - it’s easy just to sit still and be contented and that’s where I’m at. Carry on doing what I’m doing - easy job, lovely house, perfect little river, roses round the door - who could wish for more …………….medical appts every month, living on pain pills, feeling less than something I wanna be blah blah blah.
That should be fine, shouldn’t it - all the easy things? But I don’t even want to leave the house and meet people HERE. I want to get on plane and meet people away from HERE….. Anywhere, but here.
Life is good now - it's not just good - it's wonderful as in where I am and what I have, except the health and my son (who I have seen for 5 minutes this year) is not with me (and spends his time with my mother and at Pam’s house). I love this house (heck, it needs a lot doing to it to make my mark on it as I haven’t done anything to it since I moved here), love the garden, love the moors, love the green, so much to love about being here. But I could leave it all tomorrow.
In a moment I could turn it all around and up and leave because.... why.... I have to divert onto a path which is leading me to......... I don't know where, or how, and if I sit still here "accepting"....then what is left of the mountain. That's where the steel trap closes tighter, realising that tho I love my "location" - I've got the "sherpa's" from the previous mountains who keep reminding me that I never got to that mountain - so, "sit in yer tent at the base and shutup". I don't want to shutup - I don't want to give up and sit here. I can’t say it out loud here without them saying “she’s mad” or making others feel that they have done something wrong. And if I up and go - how will I do that with my health with a little boy to look out for - that‘s totally irresponsible. How? That might not make sense.
The answer is to find what mountain to crack here and realise it and accept it BUT I DON‘T WANT TO. The consultant wants me to talk to some “dynamic” people who are involved in a medical association who he thinks can help me “come to terms” and to guide me onto what is achieveable. I don’t want my medical stuff to stop me doing things - but I have little energy at times to fight it. I am self motivated, I believe, but I am lacking patience at the moment at not being able to do the things I want to. So I push myself - and then suffer it physically the next day. If I don’t push myself - I suffer it mentally. Gotta find the balance. It’s not like I’m really sick or anything like that - I’m not. I just have crap cells in my body which eat my bones. Not that serious - just a bloody nuisance. I am so very lucky all things considered - I am blessed with I have here - it’s beautiful - I have so much good here - but here, I won’t step outside the door. That’s sh!te! I could get on a plane and travel anywhere and meet anyone - no worries - but I won’t go into my home town or go out and meet people here in Devon. Rubbish a? Just rubbish.
So, it might not be here - where the little fella and I end up. I may have to leave here to get away from the past - or so I tell myself - but then health is the problem - I mean, in the UK there is a NHS system. I know if I didn't have this nuisance disease - that I would not be in this country. I know that. Then again, if I didn't have the health record I have, my life would be completely different anyhoo.
There's a part of me ready to do that - to go. I've talked to FQ,Tulip and Pam about it - I've said it to a few folk quietly. Could I really do it? Could I leave everything and everyone here? Yep..... I could. That's awful isn't it. Could I take the little fella away with me and therefore he wouldn't see his Dad as much? Well, that's a big hold on me there. The BigBoy would not care either way as far as I‘m concerned tho he would not want his brother to leave. Just because it may be "what I want" - is it right for the little fella? Yes and No. Is this really where I want to be for the rest of my life? Sitting and waiting for operations and all that, time passing by so quickly. No. Yet it could be wonderful here. You see, I could do what I do anywhere, I could go anywhere. I enjoy my solitude - really - I enjoy not having to be “anyone” - I quite enjoy the bubble - I don’t need to go out and be around people all the time or do the things that others seem to do to enjoy my life, or what makes me tick. Maybe I am a recluse. Whatever I am inside, feels good tho - it doesn’t feel bad. I don’t feel “under achieved” or anything like that at the moment - I just feel frustrated with what I seem unable to do physically. I’m not sad or unbearably lonely or any of that. My friends will always be my friends, I know where they are, I know they are there for me and I’m there for them.
Strange - at the start of this thread many moons back I talked about my son's masking skills - ha - chip of the 'ole block a?
That's where the consultant says I need to figure out what mountain I can realistically achieve. Realise and accept my capabilities with what I have healthwise. I'm not ambitious like FQ and some of the folk I know, I don't have any leanings towards power, designer clothes, flashy cars, heaps of dosh - I don't need a flashy job or care about any of that stuff - I have everything I need really - actually, I just like a simple life, I’m happy talking to people, I don’t need all that other stuff - I'm not driven by any of those things - I'm driven by what I feel inside. Ack - can't explain. I can't seem to get the simple with the people here in my life.
Whatever life deals us - you find another mountain - the view from the top may not be the same - not quite as pretty or - it may not be the image we create or how we viewed life to be - but...it is what it is.
as the saying goes - don't make a mountain out of a molehill - ha - a molehill is about all I can manage.
I’m no better than anyone else. I’m not some super duper person. My problems are no greater or less than anyone elses. Well, actually, that’s not true, my problems are a lot less that many peoples. I do realise that at the very least. I’m just a regular person who wants to get as much out of life as I can - but feel trapped at the moment because physically I can’t do it and mentally I don’t want to be doing it here - yet I love it here. In fact, I’m terribly selfish by wanting more - not money or any of that sort of stuff - just I want to be able to do more with my life. The consultant thinks that is where I need to talk to people who have that dynamic input - to show me a way to achieve things that physically my body won’t permit, what my mountain will be. Mind over matter is a great thing - but sometimes not even the mind can stop the “pain”. A new regime of drugs - NSAIDS may be the answer - less morphine which actually causes “pain” too (tho I didn’t know that) - tho after 3 ulcers taking NSAIDS again worries me. Gotta give it a go tho. I have so many positives in my life…… so so many - I need to focus on how to get those positives into a forward plan because sitting and waiting for it to happen - to me is not the answer. I’m tired of waiting - but just don’t know how to do it when many steps forward are a “physical” pain.
Now…. I intended on writing “thanku Beth” and all this baloney has come up. I have kept back 2 paragraphs I still can’t say out loud about reasons for not wishing to be here too, not the complete picture - but I’m getting there with what‘s going on ‘upstairs‘ and how I need to find some direction.
S-boy came in just now - he said “is there anything I can help you with Mom - you are mind “bottling” - I smiled and said the expression is mind boggling and that I just needed to get some of my thoughts onto paper - he said “no Mom - it’s not a “boggle” - you have a lot of thoughts trapped in a bottle in your mind and they can’t get out. He’s so me.
I have a spinning bottle.