So.... what's going on in the "bubble"
Well - "toots" are doing OK - stepping forward in the right direction physically though other joints are a little problematic right now which is wearing me down a little. Started with the methotraxate again so hoping this sort itself out sooner rather than later.
As for the bubble - well, feeling the "pop" is on it's way!
R has been doing well - nothing going on which has not been copable (is that a word
) with. He is due over tomorrow as he wants to make a DVD for his friends birthday. Small nervous giggle here. Great he wants to do this - very kind and thoughtful - involves getting all their photos together off the laptop and putting to music with captions etc (yep, my sorta thing) - however, know it will likely set him off as memories etc will bring the emotions up for him...... so, tho it's a positive thing .... well, just a little nervous on that - after events of the past in the home. Hey ho - crossed fingers on that one.
Ex-hub pulled the "salary" - he moves in with his girlfriend today to a new house - which is great - but his declarations of financial independence have also given me a reality check as this house is still not sold. At a stand still with that waiting for the chain to get their act together - who knows when!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, that's a bit of a struggle right now.
Little fella is doing brill - coming to stay here over weekend and is coming over to take us out in the car - anywhere - (hopefully the beach to sit on the rocks if the weather clears up and stops hailing!).
"Steel trap" has been closing and gnawing on the thought of going back to work - not the actual work side of stuff - but being around so many folk. Been on my own for pretty much 24/7 for last 2 and half months - and NOT looking forward to being with loadsa people. Sounds stupid - but have enjoyed being alone for a while. It's been nice not having to be anything other than me and not having to think about what others expect me to be. However, gonna have to do it. Can't wait to drive again - that will be so good to have some freedom outside of the house.
All in all - doing k - just kinda waiting to see what's gonna happen tomorrow.
Hope everyone is doing well.
(Noddy - thinking about you - hold your dominion)