makemeshiver33 wrote:
Some of the best sex I've had has been
We know, and have photos to prove it.
Dadpad wrote:Quote:We know, and have photos to prove it.
SHHHHHHH! I told you I wanted those negatives!
makemeshiver33 wrote:Some of the best sex I've had has been
Really?! Some of the worst sex I've had has been outdoors.
Certainly the most painful. (Thinking of pine needles...)
You just lean against the tree, Eva
Nothing like a nice hay field in the middle of the night......blanket on the ground.........stars shining bright........ummm
I always did golf courses,......... but I like the bottom...
Few weeks ago, I could have gone home with a woman that's slept with over 200 guys.
But I didn't have any Lysol with me to spray her cooch down, so I decided sleeping alone wasn't a bad idea.
Now don't get all morally inclined at us, Slappy.
Perhaps "challenged" is the word you were looking for, CJ.
Check this out!!!! Designer Vaginas!!
I want a big ass designer weenie!!!
Oh amigo....all us wimmin'zez know about that.
poor silly men, you'd don't know the half of it.
Captain Kegel !!!!!!! Yeaaaaaa!
Yeah, I kegel...
but I don't get HBO
Oh, I guess you missed my amusing anecdote from a few days ago.
Us ladies where joking and laughing about kegeling at work, and this dim bulb we worked with came in and asked what we were talking about.
Someone said, "kegeling"
I asked "Do you kegel?"
Dim Bulb responded "yeah, but I don't get HBO"

I don't know why thats funny.
I had a long term (more than six days) relationship with a woman who asked me to wash my thriller driller diller every time (that's three times a day or more!) so.. one time I said I didn't think I was washing it up right (even though it was upright) and from then on she washed me up.
Joe(I was going to say with a blow dry but that would be crude)Nation