Awwwww....You guys are really sweet (Group Hug! Omgzorz!)
Thanks for all the kind words everyone....Your just great.
Awwwwww........I jus' lovee group hugzzzzzz....... :wink:
Now go get a clean shirt, a haircut, and pick up some broads.
Awwwwwwww!!!! ((((((((((((Group Hug)))))))))))) I love these :-D
<Slaps Slappy>
Montana wrote: <Slaps>

Yea, what the hell do I know? Past 4 nights that I've been out: 2 emails, one phone number(kissed bit/licked my neck), and one friend's semi-girlfriend giving me an inappropriate hint. Don't listen to me.
Yeah, but you're such a slut Slappy
Heh....I was Thinking Of asking out this Cute Girl i know at work but Its a Really small hole in the wall kinda Resturant where Everybody Knows EVERYTING and It'll probably Just turn Into Me being the brunt of some Joke Even if she WERE to say yes...
besides....Im not so sure trying to date people i work with is smart....Ive tried before and it didnt work out the greatest.....
I agree with you on dating in the work place. Been there, done that, and I regretted it, but some people do ok working together.
As far as being the butt of jokes, I say "the hell with what others say or think"! I learned a long time ago that when you worry about what others are saying and thinking about you, you're allowing them rent free negative space inside you and that's never a good thing.
My life became much much better when I stopped giving a rats ass what people thought or said about me. People who yap about others and make snide jokes about them, tend to be people who are unhappy with their own lives and are jealous.
Don't let people live rent free in you soul and you'll see how great it is to not even care about what others think ;-)
Good luck MrHunt :-D
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Montana wrote: <Slaps>

Yea, what the hell do I know? Past 4 nights that I've been out: 2 emails, one phone number(kissed bit/licked my neck), and one friend's semi-girlfriend giving me an inappropriate hint. Don't listen to me.
You been wearing that body spray again, Slappy?
Rockhead wrote:Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Montana wrote: <Slaps>

Yea, what the hell do I know? Past 4 nights that I've been out: 2 emails, one phone number(kissed bit/licked my neck), and one friend's semi-girlfriend giving me an inappropriate hint. Don't listen to me.
You been wearing that body spray again, Slappy?
That's it. The commercials don't lie.
Yeah, there's something about an Aqua Velva man.
Chai wrote:Yeah, there's something about an Aqua Velva man.
No, it's 12 sprays of Brut.
You guys are gonna laugh, but I'm a sucker for Old Spice.
Good thing I don't care if you guys laugh at me
ahhh....old spice and brylcreem.
brylcreem, a little dab'll do ya.
for men who use their heads about their hair.
What was that stuff women used....oh yeah, alberto VO5.
Montana wrote:You guys are gonna laugh, but I'm a sucker for Old Spice.
Good thing I don't care if you guys laugh at me

It's ok, you're Canadian now. You're supposed to like things like Old Spice.
Didn't Rula Lenska, the shill for Alberto VO5, flee to Canada?
Her stressful life of dancing and keeping her hair in place finally got to her.
I don't go for the cologne deal. I find that a good application of Mennen Speed stick right before leaving the house has a scent that makes women's knees go all watery.
Slappy, I've loved Old Spice since I was a kid when dad got his first bottle and I was living in the states back then. I'm just weird
Chai wrote:Didn't Rula Lenska, the shill for Alberto VO5, flee to Canada?
Her stressful life of dancing and keeping her hair in place finally got to her.
Don't know, but I don't think I ever even tried Alberto V05.
Does that mean I'm only half weird?
kickycan wrote:I don't go for the cologne deal. I find that a good application of Mennen Speed stick right before leaving the house has a scent that makes women's knees go all watery.
Gonna grab one at the drug store next time out and take a sniff. I'll get back to ya ;-)