In my opinion the 2nd ammendment cheerleaders should condemn guys like this for giving gun owners a bad image. The fact that they think this is "A-OK" is what makes me think they're lunatics.
boomerang wrote:In my opinion the 2nd ammendment cheerleaders should condemn guys like this for giving gun owners a bad image. The fact that they think this is "A-OK" is what makes me think they're lunatics.
Yup. Dr Strangelove looney.
Why should a citizen not be allowed to own any of this?
Thinking otherwise is silly. NYPD is full of ****.
Next they will make cooking illegal. Wait until they seize all my pots and pans and kitchen knives. It will make this haul look puny.
What I read from the comments posted here is that you are more than willing to give up your rights and let the police protect you - perhaps even from this guy if he does turn out to be bad (remember, innocent until proven guilty - a concept not well understood outside the U.S.).
I'm waiting to hear all your thoughts on the next "Rodney King" video. You guys are really hilariously stupid.
Walt, from you pics, he must shop at Cabelas and military surplus stores. We are allowed to be survivalists here if we choose. Unlike Germany where you're afraid of Tom Cruise and Scientology.
cj, Tom scares me as well.
(his hair never moves)
He's like five feet two. Damn scary.
What I don't understand is how you can all miss the message that the NYPD is putting forth. It is simple. If we don't like you or your lifestyle, we will arrest you, confiscate your property, and put it on public display so you can never get a fair trial.
It's corruption and a power grab over the populace. It's so obvious it makes me want to puke. Get real.
Weren't you going on about the UN coming to take your guns a year ago?
Who will it be next year? The goddam royal mounties?
More than likely the black legislators from Michigan.
You asked.
Yeah - that could happen. The mounties will prolly be right after that, tho'.
Talk to John Conyers. See what he has to say.
Not that yer polluting the parkway, cuz this thread had some issues from the get go, but are you two gonna do this on multiple threads, cause I might watch it on one, but I ain't chasin' this crap.
boomerang wrote:In my opinion the 2nd ammendment cheerleaders should condemn guys like this for giving gun owners a bad image. The fact that they think this is "A-OK" is what makes me think they're lunatics.
C'mon.....cheering this guy on is proof positive.
There's absolutely nothing illegal about ANY of that stuff unless the "machine gun" is full auto and he doesn't have an FFL.
What part of that do you not understand?
It really does help to know the law in order to follow it.
Please tell me - what is there in this "cache" that you find so scary?
I don't get it. Your 4th of July fireworks were put on by someone with a 3rd grade education and far more gunpowder than this guy had. Please try to think with the brain God gave you.
cj, have you read the warrant, or the probable cause info needed to get the warrant.
(see jumping the gun.....)
It wasn't posted when I created this thread. It doesn't matter.
What if this guy simply attended gun and survivalist shows? Made his living that way? Same thing.
I can go to estate auctions and easily walk away with a similar "cache".
Walter Hinteler wrote:So this is the average number for an American hunter to have on hand ...

I guess some of these numnuts are really bad shots.
and not be arrested for it.
You may be defending a moron....
wanna bet?
Once again the "shoot me please the police will be here in a minute" crowd misses the point.