Thu 3 Jan, 2008 03:01 pm
This is what can happen when you live in a nazi-police state like NY. The guy apparently never hurt anyone, he just happened to own something they don't like. I hope this kind of crap doesn't start happening across America soon. God forbid we elect a gun grabbing democrap.
I'm going to try and follow this case. While 20,000 rounds may seem excessive, there are plenty of reasons you might own that many. Consider that Cabelas sells rifle ammo in 100-500 round cases. Shotgun ammo goes 250 rounds to the case. .22LR is sold in "bricks" of 500 or 1000 rounds. I literally have thousands of rounds of .22 laying around that don't work in my guns - they jam. Does that make me a criminal? Apparently in the eyes of the NYPD.
BTW I can buy an "AR-15" style semit-auto rifle at my local gun store. I have a huge "cache" of knives including some really scary looking 10" chefs knives and cleavers.
NYPD Finds Weapons Arsenal in Man's Home
Published: January 3, 2008
Filed at 3:33 p.m. ET
NEW YORK (AP) -- Police arrested a man after they found a gigantic cache of weaponry in this home and car that included 20,000 rounds of ammunition.
Suwei Chuang, 36, was arrested Wednesday on charges of criminal weapons possession. It was not immediately known if he had an attorney.
Police said the weapons included an AR-15 assault rifle with 18 loaded magazines and a Belgium-made machine gun, along with 40 large combat knives. Some of the ammo was the armor-piercing variety. He also had four bulletproof vests and a half-dozen police-style radios.
What was the actual charge that they arrested him for?
I only have what the AP story says. Got it from the NY Times.
dlowan wrote:Good on NYPD.
Yes, good on them for not understanding the meaning of the second amendment and instead doing what some numbnut from Australia would like them to do.
40 large combat knives, four bullet-resistant vests, a loaded AR-15 assault rifle with a scope and 18 extra loaded magazines, a Fabrique Nationale PS-90 5.7-caliber automatic machine gun, a 12-gauge shotgun, a 9-mm Glock pistol, a .50-caliber rifle, a .22-caliber rifle, four air rifles, six Motorola police-style radios, and the 20,000 bullets - well, I suppose, every lawfull American should have such, as minimum.
Especially, when it's against the law.
Why is it against the law? The only thing potentially against the "law" is the so called machine gun, which you need a FFL to possess if in fact it is full auto, which I doubt.
States that try to ursurp 2A are the worst America has to offer.
cjhsa wrote:Yes, good on them for not understanding the meaning of the second amendment and instead doing what some numbnut from Australia would like them to do.
So organised crime is protected under the 2nd amendment in your opinion?
Well, another reason why they didn't take neither in the forces nor in the police.
I have three deer rifles.
Three shotguns.
Two .22 rifles.
Two airguns.
Two pistols
Two compound bows and four or five recurves.
Lots and lots of ammo.
BFD. It's all legal. It's in fact a small amount considering three people in my family use them to hunt and that some of this stuff belonged to my grandfather. Get real.
Walter Hinteler wrote:
So organised crime is protected under the 2nd amendment in your opinion?
Nice strawman Walt. No bullet needed, just light a match.
I posted the same article on a hunter's board and they all agree - 20,000 rounds is only an average number to have on hand if you had a .22 (because you probably collected a lot of bad ammo over the years).
Get real NY.
cjhsa wrote:Nice strawman Walt.
Why is that a strawman? Are you his defense lawyer?
So this is the average number for an American hunter to have on hand ...
Walter Hinteler wrote:40 large combat knives, four bullet-resistant vests, a loaded AR-15 assault rifle with a scope and 18 extra loaded magazines, a Fabrique Nationale PS-90 5.7-caliber automatic machine gun, a 12-gauge shotgun, a 9-mm Glock pistol, a .50-caliber rifle, a .22-caliber rifle, four air rifles, six Motorola police-style radios, and the 20,000 bullets - well, I suppose, every lawfull American should have such, as minimum.
Especially, when it's against the law.
Possible gp out there and murder a bunch of people nut?
Well, no just a lawful hunter:
Walter Hinteler wrote:Well, no just a lawful hunter:

But hunter of what, exactly?
So many deer broadcast on police radios.
cj, I missed where he had a .22.
Musta been under all the heavy artillery, and machine guns in his car trunk.
I dooubt he was a weekend pop gun target shooter.
40th Rd is NY's most famous hunting ground
And in big cities you certainly can't go hunting without wearing gas masks
dlowan wrote:These are his??????
Yes, it's all online (and certainly will be printed as well).
But what cjhsa said and his hunter friends confirmed: a lawful citizen was robbed from his rights and the urgently needed hunting weapons, ammunition and hunting assessoiers ....