Gary Slusser wrote:You have a 2.7 gpm DLFC. Usually that is used in a 1.5 cuft and you have a 9" x 48" tank which is for a 1.0 cuft softener.
To get 30,000, you need 15 lbs of salt. Ten lbs would get you 25.5k. You don't need and shouldn't want either. That's terrible salt efficiency.
With two people:
Settings should be -
DLFC - is 2.7
4.0 lbs of salt per regeneration.
Capacity - 13,000
Calendar override day 8
Post fill brine tank.
Auto regeneration. (2am)
City water with 13 grains of hardness.
That will put 1000 gals on the meter. It will regenerate on average every 8 days. That's optimal.
Gary, getting back to all this I now have two weeks of experience under my belt with the operation of my Clack WS1 softener.
I set the timer to the above settings. I still have the 2.7gpm DLFC and not the 1.5 - 2.0gpm one you recommended in a later post from you.
When it regenerates it puts up 999gals on the clock. I keep a calendar on gallons remaining, some major usage (laundry days, some shower usage) and my opinion on the softness of the water.
Here is the calendar, gallons and opinions -
Jan 7 - 363gals remaining. Water felt hard. Regeneration tonight.
Jan 8 - 999gals. Auto Regenerated last night.
Jan 9 - 942galls. Water felt hard. Hot tank full of hard water?
Jan 10 - 907galls. Water felt hard. Hot tank full of hard water?
Jan 11 - 839galls. Water felt soft during shower.
Jan 12 - 544galls. Unit tripped manually by me to make 100% sure I have a full hot tank of soft water.
Jan 13 - 999galls.
Jan 14 - 941galls. Feeling soft! Ahhhh!
Jan 15 - 878galls. Feeling soft.
Jan 16 - 855galls. 807 later in day. Two showers. Feels soft.
Jan 17 - 771galls. Laundry.
Jan 18 - 548galls. More laundry. Shower. Water feeling somewhat hard.
Jan 19 - 442galls. Shower. Water feels harder.
Jan 20 - 388galls. Shower. Water feels very hard. Later this morning it was flashing "Regeneration" at 374galls (so it will go off at 2am).
Gary I know that my findings over two weeks of usage isn't ideal but to me it does show a slight pattern - that we are running out of soft water around the 600gallons point and then the hot water tank is being slowly filled with hard water.
What does this point to? Not enough salt being used per regeneration (it's set at 4lbs per your suggestion) or less than 1cu ft of resin in the tank or harder water than I was told?
Stats - 2 people, 2 bathrooms (never two showers running at once), dishwasher (every 2-3days), laundry once weekly (usually Friday). 9.75" of water in the salt tank.
The business that sold me the softener (mail order in Canada; you don't ship up here) suggested 10lbs of salt per regen and that 7.5 to 8lbs might be ok.
Any words of wisdom Gary or should I monitor for a longer period?