Softener resin escaping

Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 09:14 am
H2O_MAN wrote:
Can you share some details? What was the price?

The unit is a WS-1 but I'll keep the price to myself so not to start more wars. Prices for most goods tend to be more expensive up here. We don't have the same competition as in the USA and custom assemblers are (as I found) very hard to find. My unit is cheaper than any franchise unit that I found. Of course I'm not paying for fancy advertizing, brochures, glitzy storefronts, stainless tank covers, franchise fees etc etc etc.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 09:25 am
Zozzie wrote:
H2O_MAN wrote:
Can you share some details? What was the price?

The unit is a WS-1 but I'll keep the price to myself so not to start more wars.

We don't have wars, just ethical practices versus the unethical :wink:

I'm glad you were able to move forward with a solution to your problem.
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Gary Slusser
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 12:05 pm
Re: Softener resin escaping
Zozzie wrote:
I made my choice. I've ordered my unit. After filtering all your suggestions and contradictions through my noggin, phoning local plumbers (they're all out plumbing), talking to local franchisees (EcoWater etc) and surfing the 'net I found a water handling and treatment company (pumps, softeners, filters etc) that custom assemble softeners. They're 2 hours away.

I had a long talk with the knowledgable chap who used to be, for many years, a water conditioner service man and he impressed me with his NO BS information and knowledge. They're assembling my unit as we speak and it will be shipped via UPS today.

His opinion on Clack versus Fleck was even-steven. He himself was fairly partial to Fleck as he was most familiar with them but he has no issues with Clack. It was my choice. He sells Autotrol too.

Good choice all around. His history sounds like mine; assembled my own equipment, was a Goulds pump guy and I sell Autotrol, Clack and Fleck (with heavy emphasis on Clack) with 21 years experience on well water until I went online sales only in 2004. I do care which make control valve because I will not be there to service Fleck and they can't be repaired by DIYers very easily (regardless what a dealer selling it to you tells you).

Plus, I've never liked service calls on equipment I sold... The Clack valve is the best valve there is and Fleck's latest offering, the 7000, seems to be having serious problems for some reason... due to problems I quit selling them shortly after they were released in early 2005.

Prior to this 7000 failure, Fleck had the 5000 and 8500 fiascoes in teh late 1990s and there's huge problems with their 6600 and/or 6700s yet some here and on other forums keeps suggesting they are the better control valve manufacturer... little does he know.

Zozzie wrote:
Thanks for all your info guys. Much appreciated. This is a great site. I just wish 2-4 of you guys could find some common ground to agree on as your informative posts are conflicting and confusing for us WS Newbs.

Mike T. (aka Zozzie)

We have different agendas so there will be no common ground except for our agreement with people needing water treatment equipment to improve their water quality.

We differ in how they go about buying it. I'm all for the DIYers, the independent self efficient type folks and wannabes. I've donated untold thousands of hours over the the last ten years plus to help them learn how to help themselves.

Andy and H20man want everyone to buy from a local dealer; Andy the local Kinetico dealer and H20man says Ecowater although he is a local independent dealer selling the 2510SE only.... weird huh. Justalurker says he's not in the industry yet wants everyone to buy Fleck or Kinetico (he owns a Clack softener he bought from me 7/2004) and he wants no one to buy anything from me.

Mike, send me your dealer's web site or contact info so I can give it to people calling me from Canada; I don't sell into Canada.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 12:17 pm
Re: Softener resin escaping
Gary Slusser wrote:
Zozzie wrote:
Mike, send me your dealer's web site or contact info so I can give it to people calling me from Canada; I don't sell into Canada.

The site won't let me PM you (not enough privelidges yet!) so try to PM me willya?
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Gary Slusser
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 01:02 pm
Then email it to me or call me, you have my address or can find it by viewing my profile.
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Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 01:20 pm
Gary Slusser wrote:
Then email it to me or call me, you have my address or can find it by viewing my profile.

Ahhaaaaaa!! Fish ON! I e-mailed you through your website a couple of days go and got no reply! Maybe the other dudes ARE right! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 01:49 pm
Fleck 2510 SE
Gary Slusser wrote:

Prior to this 7000 failure, Fleck had the 5000 and 8500 fiascoes in teh late 1990s and there's huge problems with their 6600 and/or 6700s

That's why I sell the 2510 SE. It has a proven track record and all of my clients are happy.

Gary Slusser wrote:

H20man says Ecowater although he is a local independent dealer selling the 2510SE only.... weird huh.

You are correct! - EcoWater does offer the best complete system available.
I'm an independent dealer and not an EcoWater dealer therefore I sell the next best thing, systems with the Fleck 2510 SE.

I recommend EcoWater or systems powered by the Fleck 2510 SE that are sold, installed and serviced by local independent H2O professionals.... weird huh.

Mike, could you please send me your dealer's web site or contact info so
I can give it to people calling me from Canada; I don't sell on this forum.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 01:53 pm
"Ahhaaaaaa!! Fish ON! I e-mailed you through your website a couple of days go and got no reply! Maybe the other dudes ARE right! Laughing"

No, they are all right in their own mind. I agree their sniping at each other is either amusing or annoying depending on your point of view.

I purchased a softener from Gary a couple of months ago and it does what it is supposed do, nothing more & nothing less. Your right, he is slow answering email, but is almost always at the other end of the phone when called. Gary was not the least or most expensive online seller, but he did a much better job of answering presale questions than the others.
Yes Gary is definitely a salesman! He also seems to know his product well.
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Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 03:39 pm
hobbs wrote:

Yes Gary is definitely a salesman!

Yep, he's been selling systems on A2K since he joined.

Totally against forum rules, but who really obeys the rules anymore Rolling Eyes

The online "salesman" is worthless when it comes to installation and service...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 05:21 pm
"The online "salesman" is worthless when it comes to installation and service..."

As anyone buying should know up front. If you need your hand held, better buy local.
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Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2007 07:05 pm
Customer service is much more than hand holding.

Many folks have gone it alone only to realize the installation and upkeep are not as easy as the salesman led them to believe.

There are growing numbers of orphans in this business - don't become a statistic.
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Gary Slusser
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 10:34 am
Zozzie wrote:
Gary Slusser wrote:
Then email it to me or call me, you have my address or can find it by viewing my profile.

Ahhaaaaaa!! Fish ON! I e-mailed you through your website a couple of days go and got no reply! Maybe the other dudes ARE right! Laughing

Yeah you emailed me 12/10 at 8:59 AM. I answered it today, 12/12 at 12:18 AM, I was up late although I'm in TX in the central time zone but...

You also posted here that you had made your decision, plus I had told you twice that I do not sell into Canada. So what IYO was I fishing for....

I've also answered all your posts here and basically helped you find the more or less local dealer IN CANADA that you bought from. If not for my replies to you here, you might have bought a Sears or way overpriced Ecowater!!

BTW, my web site says CALL ME, IIRC, there's not one word about emailing me.... That's because my inbox always has about 100 emails in it... currently with the spam included, 121. That kinda says I'm very popular huh.

I don't do email very well because it takes way too much time because my answers alway cause like 16 more questions and my reply causes more questions and we keep going 'round'n round for days. Frankly I don't have that much time to donate along with my posts here and elsewhere.

And my phone rings constantly six days a week, and sometimes on Sunday and holidays like Christmas mornings. Yes I answer 95% of them and always if it is a customer (although I'm not wild about them calling then).

And I don't do voicemail very well either. My message says if I don't return the call in an hour or two, be sure to call back (that's to weed out those that just want to use me; they can post for info or do without). Customer calls and email are answered and returned first anyway but...

You have emailed me the link I asked for, thank you and you're welcome, I'm glad to have been able to help and save you money. Now I can give the link to other Canadians that contact me. BTW, if that price is in Canadian dollars ya did good. My delivered price to the lower 48 states is $688 US.
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Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 10:51 am
Gary Slusser wrote:
You also posted here that you had made your decision, plus I had told you twice that I do not sell into Canada. So what IYO was I fishing for....

Whoah hold on there Gary! I was poking a bit of fun at you. I've NEVER asked you to supply me up here in Canada. I just e-mailed you some general questions and comments on what I had found as I didn't want the usual debate here on the forum.

I've also answered all your posts here and basically helped you find the more or less local dealer IN CANADA that you bought from. If not for my replies to you here, you might have bought a Sears or way overpriced Ecowater!!

And I've thanked you twice for that in my response to the e-mail that you sent me asking for my Canadian softener source and in my original e-mail.

BTW, my web site says CALL ME, IIRC, there's not one word about emailing me....

I'm an e-mail kinda guy and I didn't have the hindsight that you weren't either. I'm not a phone guy.

Thanks to all others who have helped with my quest. My softener will arrive today. I'm now moving on to my next project.
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Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 11:44 am

Just imagine how you would be treated if you were one of Slusser's Suckers...
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Gary Slusser
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 01:45 pm
Zozzie wrote:
Gary Slusser wrote:
You also posted here that you had made your decision, plus I had told you twice that I do not sell into Canada. So what IYO was I fishing for....

Zozzie wrote:
Whoah hold on there Gary! I was poking a bit of fun at you. I've NEVER asked you to supply me up here in Canada. I just e-mailed you some general questions and comments on what I had found as I didn't want the usual debate here on the forum.

Hey Mike, I didn't get the joke and missed the poking fun part. Probably 'cuz I hadn't seen you as a non phone email only me me me user kinda guy that seems to expect their email to get instant replies and whine and complain a lot when it takes longer than a few hours or a day..... lol

Seriously, I see forums more as a serious research tool where people can give their opinions and and share their knowledge and if needed, debate both. I also see spoken communication as the best form of communication. lol
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 02:14 pm
Gary Slusser wrote:
Zozzie wrote:
Gary Slusser wrote:
Hey Mike, I didn't get the joke and missed the poking fun part.

Go up 4 posts Gary to the bit you chopped out of mine and see the grinning face. Laughing We use Smilies to show we're having fun because the medium of the Internet and/or the written word has great problems conveying voice inflection and true meaning.

Y'are having fun aincha Gary? I am and I'll bet the others are too.

H2O, you having fun? I don't have a non-fun bone in mahh body.


My new softener just arrived and the old one is carted outside already. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Gary Slusser
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 02:24 pm
I have fun in the debate part.

I just love to hear about DIYer successes. Post pictures when yer done.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 04:27 pm
Zozzie wrote:

H2O, you having fun?

You bet!

Life is to short to be negative all the freaking time...

Good luck with your new system Cool
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 04:58 pm
H2O_MAN wrote:
Zozzie wrote:

Good luck with your new system Cool

I'm having fun already. It came with a Clack valve manual but no destructions for assembling the whole thing. I think I've got it figured out. The last one I did was 28 years ago.

Let's see. Shopping list - 12" piece of 3/4" copper. Two 3/4" ~ 1/2" double females. 5' of plastic drain hose. I've got a bag full of copper fittings and lots of 1/2" so I'm ok there.

This is a good Thursday project. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 05:02 pm
Zozzie wrote:
but no destructions for assembling the whole thing. I think I've got it figured out. The last one I did was 28 years ago.

Good assembly and installation guides can be found HERE
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