I am on city water yes. But the water is bad. I think the hardness level was 16, and the other # was 266. Meaning there are a lot of undisolved solids in the water.
Honestly I'm not too sure what the KDF-55 is for, it looked like a nice water filter option so figured it wouldn't hurt since I don't plan on doing a reverse osmosis filter in the kitchen (unless you guys strongly suggest it).
Quote:Mediaguard KDF 55 is for city water and removes chlorine, heavy metals from the water, bacteria static. Gives you good tasting water thru out the whole house. No maintenance needed on the mediaguard system.
As for home depot, I think its a new thing. I looked on their website for water softeners and it said I had to schedule someone to come out. They must have realized they could make a lot more money that way since everyone trusts them...
Thank you so much for the help. I assume I would just call a local plumber to get this stuff installed? We have a crazy setup in the garage w/1 solar water preheater, 1 regular, and lots of pipes everywhere so I am not looking to attempt it on my own