I have decided that we are all either too brilliant or too stupid to ever agree on anything, so let's drink.
BPB, That's the best suggestion I've heard all day!
cicerone imposter wrote:BPB, That's the best suggestion I've heard all day!
(belch) Me (belch) three!
Don't (big belch) leave withow me!
It is always a pleasure to encounter Blatham in his virtuous mode.
I agree that perhaps it would be better for me to enumerate my objections to such articles point by point, rather than objecting to the posting of the article itself. My issue is that the cited articles are so one-sided and so filled with selective and inaccurate reporting and various polemics that the effort to do so would be so far out of proportion to the effort required to merely paste the article on a post here as to constitute a seriously unfair burden.
Perhaps instead I should haunt some conservative websites, copy material ( probably equally one-sided) from them and paste my own counter- posts. Would that improve the experience on this site for our participants. I doubt it. I believe that if you will consider that possibility for a moment, you may better understand my objection.
I do agree with Bi-Polar Bear that we will likely never fully agree, but propose that we continue the disputes directly, while we drink.
I understand your objection perfectly george and addressing each article point by point has **** all to do with your qualm.
Your qualm was that some debate by way of copy and paste, expecting those who participate in their discussions to go through the tedious task of refuting what is often a screed line by line.
Informative articles are always appreciated and there are whole sites like cnn devoted to it. But here, where we come to discuss issues with each other we are often met with the debate by way of copy and paste tactics.
Thing is, anyone can read a newspaper. Anyone can copy and paste. I would suggest cnn.com and the testing forum as appropriate venues for practicing reading an article and copying it and pasting it. Here on the politics board I'd much rather hear what the participants have to say, not marvel at their copy and paste skills. Actually I don't mind if they copy and paste, as long as they don't expect it to suffice as a response in a discussion. I enjoy BBB's threads as she posts them for people to read and discuss and does not use it in a "aha, I disagree with you, read this tome and call me in the morning" way.
I really appreciate citations for factual allegations made in a discussion but copying and pasting an op-ed piece is like saying that you have nothing to stay but that you have mastered the art of copy and paste.
Howdy, CdK ... glad you stopped by to join us as we get pasted. What'll it be ... BPB and I are doin' chilled shooters of 1800, but order whatever you like ... this round's on me.
It's a bit early to partake, but, hell, I'm a Red Sox fan so I guess that makes it ok.
So I'll have whatever it is that one creates with Bailey's, Khalua, and vodka. (mudslide ?)
Very few here debate by copy/paste alone, and certainly hobitbob isn't one of that few.
I don't think we disagree much here, but let's note that the negatives on the other side of this equation(posters' voices only) are easily as clear to evidence...repetition and poorly informed opinion. Those of us who read a lot, and from a relatively wide array of sources, bump into much which is relevant to the various subjects at hand, and it is really part of good citzenship to make these things available for others. I personally like the method which most of us use...a little teaser paragraph or three with a link.
That earns ya an extra, there, blatham ... just have it put on my tab.
Okay youse guys (and gals), cut-and-paste is one thing, but cut-and-plastered is another.
I always suspected Blatham was a good citizen.
Even though he is one of those socialists to the north
BillW wrote:Even though he is one of those socialists to the north
You say that like its a bad thing!
Not all Northern Socialists are all bad ... some have a redeeming virtue or two
"Redemption" was, in fact, my dear mother's choice for a middle name for me. But father, a Shropshire-born socialist brewer, and pessimistly hopeful for his sons, insisted on Lance..."Blimey Margaret, that's the ugliest little bugger I've ever laid eyes on. Fodder, that's what he'll end up, fodder for the bleedin' capitalist upper classes! Bloody disgrace the way things are going. Redemption! He hasn't got a hope in hell! Let's give the poor blighter a handle that at least might trick a few doxies."
And have you "tricked a few doxies?"
The future turned out even worse than my father had feared.
Foolin those doxies into redemption...that's what he does. A socialist with a name of Lance........a redeeming virtue if I ever saw one.
And yes, GW will never fess up properly. We'll see if it tumbles him. Humpty Dumpty himself.
And isn't it a brain-twister when GWBush still enjoys the better than 50 percent high performance rating.