It's not a private site. It's publically accessible, that's kinda like saying "a private billboard". How I found it isn't your business :wink: but yes, I found it in a search (not Google) for Able2Know. As you were talking about how fast you were able to annoy liberals ON Able2Know it came up in the search.
What craven said. Reading back over the posts here, McG contributed nothing of interest, fact, or opinion. But does become a crybaby when his very own complaints are turned against him (or her).
And I hadn't thought about it, craven but you make a good point. A good number of people use different boards - few limit themselves to just one. And the boards are public, once one registers. So what is said is there to read.
If McG had bothered to read the question, then respond to it, that's one thing. But there is a disturbing pattern to what McG does. The entries are usually to come in, call names, attack, then sulk and pout. There is rarely information or informed opinion.
There are quite a few conservatives who are knowledgeable, informed, and interested in discussion. And a lot of discussions take place, quite often combined with some friendly banter.
In other words, McG, if you dish it out, be prepared to take it.
No, craven I can't think of any accomplishments. The failures are many, if you are talking about this country and its people. And Afghanistan has really got to start showing as an example. But, if you are talking about personal gain, then it's another story.
Craven de Kere wrote:It's not a private site. It's publically accessible, that's kinda like saying "a private billboard". How I found it isn't your business :wink: but yes, I found it in a search (not Google) for Able2Know. As you were talking about how fast you were able to annoy liberals ON Able2Know it came up in the search.
Yeah, I also said what a great place it was. Some of the liberals here are still easy to annoy and even easier to ignore. Others have some great points to share and are worth my time.
I can't help but agree. Usually the ones who people look forward to reading are worth emulating.
Like I said, there are conservatives here who are well respected. Same goes for liberals of course.
First of all there is nothing wrong with my keyboard second of all who in the hell is the president murdering. War=people die. Those who chose to retaliate were those who died and they are "dipshits" did we not try to defend and help the country? think rationally here. If your dropping bombs and moving in infantry into a city and the "innocent" were to told to evacuate and they dont of course some of them are going to die. There irrationality got them killed. It's evolution get over it and god bush must be proud to be on the top of the food chain so quit jealously knocking him off! If you got a problem go vote about it if you dont vote and complain then dont say anything. And if you think you were president and you can bring peace to iraq without killing anyone on accident, tough luck!
The only numbers that should be considered here are the number of Americans who are proud and foreigners who are proud to join us because of Bush's "not taking **** from no one" foriegn policy! Because of that peace will be restored here after. People are going to die but who said you dont make sacrifices for justice?
THe ReDHoRN wrote:The only numbers that should be considered here are the number of Americans who are proud and foreigners who are proud to join us because of Bush's "not taking **** from no one" foriegn policy! Because of that peace will be restored here after. People are going to die but who said you dont make sacrifices for justice?
That's true, people will die,and those people won't care one way or another.If you believe like the appointed president does, then I guess they will have peace in the hearafter. That's great. But...its the living I'm concerned with.
THe ReDHoRN wrote:First of all there is nothing wrong with my keyboard second of all who in the hell is the president murdering. War=people die. Those who chose to retaliate were those who died and they are "dipshits" did we not try to defend and help the country? think rationally here. If your dropping bombs and moving in infantry into a city and the "innocent" were to told to evacuate and they dont of course some of them are going to die. There irrationality got them killed. It's evolution get over it and god bush must be proud to be on the top of the food chain so quit jealously knocking him off! If you got a problem go vote about it if you dont vote and complain then dont say anything. And if you think you were president and you can bring peace to iraq without killing anyone on accident, tough luck!
Re; the bringing peace statement...doesn't peace usually invove the
absence of killing?
Quote:Because of that peace will be restored here after.
If you mean peace will be restored in the hereafter, I agree. However, who wants to wait for death to bring peace??
McGentrix get over yourself dude. You're yelling into an empty room. Subject closed.
Has this just turned into some nightmarish version of the Bill Maher show or is it me?
Naaahh... I'm MUCH cuter than Bill Maher.
The Bush unPresidency have been a complete and utter failure. It is a prefect example of what not to do
Like I said due to the ignorance of human nature, those who bring terror can only understand war! It's a cold hard fact and believe it or not such force can only create some level of peace but never in it's purest form. There are sacrifices to be made. The country and those people had a choice to live or die either flee the city, or surrender! They chose to die. Options were given, they chose their own paths. That is the best we could have done. If only the way Ghandi did things then could work now! Oh yeah...if i sounded a little aggressive in posts, I apologize because im on my menstrual cycle!!
THe ReDHoRN wrote:Like I said due to the ignorance of human nature, those who bring terror can only understand war! It's a cold hard fact and believe it or not such force can only create some level of peace but never in it's purest form. There are sacrifices to be made. The country and those people had a choice to live or die either flee the city, or surrender! They chose to die. Options were given, they chose their own paths. That is the best we could have done. If only the way Ghandi did things then could work now! Oh yeah...if i sounded a little aggressive in posts, I apologize because im on my menstrual cycle!!

Looking at your profile page and seeing how young you are, I hope that you mellow as you get older. Many of us have been in combat, and its not fun or glorious, or anything good. People die in horrible awful ways,and usually the ones hurt the worst are the ones who are the least involved in combat. No one on either side chose to die, or deserved to die.
Do you watch FOX TV and were you constantly updated on the war? I understand that those people didn't deserve it but what I was saying that the situation could have been avoided!
I prefer to call it a "sinking ship." Most people think we're still floating okay. Maybe the water level needs to be up to their eyeballs before they see we're sinking. Oh, well..... ci
The latest grand statements by this president is that "the current deficit will be cut in half in five years." Not verbatim, but close - the meaning doesn't change.