Still recovering from the worst jet lag I have every experienced. All my fights were horror shows I had a flight attendant with the biggest butt I have every seen on a stew and everytime she came down the aisle she hit me either in the face or my shoulder. And they keep you awake all night trying to sell you boxes of junk food.
I picked up a great southwestern chicken caesar salad at LAX and a carton of skim milk. More better.
Sglass, The flight to hell? Well, I've had those isle seats where the isle is so narrow that anybody walking by would hit your head or shoulders. With airlines trying to squeeze more passengers on those planes, we're all at their mercy. United now has "fees' for larger leg-room. That's the future of flying, I'm afraid.
So what's the update? Sglass, you around these days?
We're all (my family) still on board, but when and where's the meet? Kona? Hilo?
I won't have a telephone there, Sglass, so we have to arrange this before we head out.
I'm at a conference Mon-Thurs next week, then back to the Island on the 1st, then flying out on the 3rd... I hope you come back to check out this thread.
I've emailed you but I guess I will PM you, as well.
What about you, CI? Are you still going to be there?
Maybe I should read a few pages of this thread before I ask anymore questions...
Hi Mame, Yes, we're still booked for the big island for Feb 9 to 12, flying home on the 13th. We're staying at thye Outrigger Royal Sea Cliff Resort not far from the airport.
You folks all might not need this info, but if I could ever get there, I'd be interested, so I'll link this article in the NY Times today:
The Frugal Traveler in Hawaii
Have fun at your Hawaii meet, y'all!
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK..."Sglass, you home?" KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK...
Hi there CI - I will send you my cell phone number by pm.
Hilo is 120 miles from Kona. What I plan to do is to get a hotel room in the Kona area so I can hook up with you and Mrs. CI on the days you will be in Kona.
There is no lava flow at the moment, but thought a trip up to the top of Mauna Kea would be wonederful. Will need a four wheel drive. Another great trip is to South Point and Green Sands Beach. I'm your basic off-roader.
Andy's boss is out on sick leave and he is stuck in Boston covering for him at his job. So it's Mame & Company, me and you and Mrs. CI and Yitwals. So that makes 8 or 9 people. Mr. Yitwal agrees that the Kona Inn is an excellent place for dinner.
Sorry I haven't been on top of stuff, but have been ill and have been doing a lot of testing in Boston and now Hilo. I will be having voluntary surgery within the next few months.
Sglass, Sorry to hear about all your health problems beginning in Boston and still lingering. Too bad MA won't be joining us in Hawaii; was looking forward to some more bantering with him while you and the mrs banter.
Mame and her family and the Yitwals, you, and the three of us should all keep us busy with laughter and good times.
Our older son is leaving for Austin this morning, but we're planning on a trip to Japan for next year.
Sglass wrote:
There is no lava flow at the moment, but thought a trip up to the top of Mauna Kea would be wonederful. Will need a four wheel drive. Another great trip is to South Point and Green Sands Beach. I'm your basic off-roader.
terrific that you have 4wd.
my stepson has a truck with a cab, but i don't like to impose on him & i've never driven it. i've been to both Mauna Kea & green sand beach, so i'll probably take a rain check, unless you want to make multiple trips on the offroad portions.
What's the date and time at the Kona Inn?
CI, do you want to set something up for the 10th? I'm happy wandering just around, as you know.
I'll tell my son about the 4x4 but it's up to him as that's his contribution.
We're all just playing it by ear, day by day. We have no set plans.
I can't wait - I'm so tired of living out of a suitcase and running from pillar to post... well, I guess that's what Hawaii will be like, too, but at least I won't have any damn meetings!
Hi Mame, Sure. We haven't made any real plans except to visit the Hilton Resort, because one of our friends recommended it. Other than that, we' re also playing it by ear. Started packing, but still a ways to go to make sure I don't miss anything. Dropped off our older son at the airport this morning for his return flight to Austin. I can get back to my Hawaii dream mode.
CI, as you probably know, you can swim with tame dolphins, in a pool basically, at the Hilton for a fee. haven't hung around there much, so can't tell you much more.
I don't know if non-hotel guests can use the pool and facilities. I am going to call today and ask. The Hilton is lovely. I've done a couple of antique shows there.
called the Waikaola Hilton and learned that they have a pool package for non-hotel quests for $80.00 for groups of four. 7am to 11pm. Not a bad deal. Dolphin Quest is separate.
So what's the deal with the Kona meet up? I won't be here tomorrow, so it's today or never... I fly out Sunday but am spending tomorrow with my mother.
Date, time and place anyone? Kona Inn, I believe I read somewhere...
Mame, no date's been decided for the Kona meet, to the best of my knowledge, so maybe you can propose one, and see it it's acceptable to others; any date's acceptable to me. (sorry i can't be more helpful)
Okay, why don't we meet on the 7th at the Kona Inn at 6:00 p.m. Can you make reservations, yitwail?
I don't know how many will be there - I have your phone number so I can call you from Hilo... I think Sglass will be there, but I don't know about CI - I'll let you guys sort that out - all I'm going to do is commit to me - I don't know about my family at this point.
Are you okay with that?
It WAS the Kona Inn that was suggested, wasn't it? If not, please say where and we'll be there.
Thanks a lot.
Mame, Feb. 9 would be better, since that's the day CI arrives, unless i'm mistaken. Kona Inn was the place, yes. My bad not mentioning CI's itinerary when I asked you to suggest a date.
I don't know what time CI's flight gets in the 9th, so I would suggest the 10th. I'm flexible. Are you flexible Yitwail? CI will be here the 9, 10, 11 and 12 leaving on the 13th.
I'm going to call and find out about Dolphin Quest today.
Oh and there is a great beach down by the marina. It used to be a nude beach until they got a dress code.
i'm entirely flexible. :wink: