Losing Sense of Alphabetical Order Can Also Be Corrected Through Brain Surgery
Mistakes in the typesetting department causing panic over the cost of Medical Aid!
Nonsensical medical terminology creates havoc in typesetting departments
across the nation.
Oligarchs Monthly notes that at work jes has been crowned Data Empress*
*For real, they are starting to call me that. Oy!
Overly zealous A2K member sloshes through the alphabet as if it were soup and swallows L, M & N.
Please Forgive Intrepid, as His Avatar Slowly Tweaks His Brain...
Oyster Magazine
Quick Thinking By Rockhead Reverses Intrepid's Vulcan Mind Meld
Rockhead vucanizes the tires on the Data Empress' car and still has time to reverse a Vulcan mind meld.
Some A2Kers Have Always Called Jespah "Data Empress"
Terribly embarrassed, the Empress (er, me) tries to hide her joy at the use of her nickname and the recent vulcanization of her tires*
*And also tries to stop referring to herself in the third person, like Bob Dole
PS Vote today if you've got a primary
Untried caching system to be trialled on new A2K.
Wandel Wishes Tryagain and Intrepid Speedy Recoveries
("I am the only one who hasn't cracked under the glare of the A2K spotlight," boasts Wandel.)
Xanthippe wrestles wandel to the ground and pins him in two falls out of three.
Your Dreams are now Subject to Hackers who Steal Credit Card Information
Anytime Wandel Posts About Himself is Big News
Bewildered readers respond to Wandel provocation - Letters pages 38 - 73
Chippewa indians confess that wandel in their language means taller than a lemur.