Unschooled wayed in
Even More Interesting Than Wandel is the Subject of Decolletage
Funding is needed for Intrepid and T.R.Yagain, two senior members of A2K's Policy and Social Interface sub Divisional News Thread, to continue research for their book on the life of Wendeljw. Intrepid still wonders where T.R. Yagain came up with the committee name.
Hell reportedly experiencing snow, sleet and freezing rain as A2Kers begin to make sense
Intrepid and Tryagain Form Committee to Establish a Journalism Code of Ethics for the A2K News Thread
"Kind of you to explain decolletage, Tryagain. Now get to work on that code of ethics." (quote from unidentified source)
Leaked copies of the proposed CODE of ETHICS circulated in Washington:
All A2K'ers undertake to:
Refrain from using their position of trust and confidence to:
a) Exploit the emotionally, sexually, financially or in any other way whatsoever. Should either a sexual or financial relationship (i.e. other than for the payment of relevant products or services) develop between members or their families, the member must immediately cease to accept fees, terminate the relationship consistent with Sub clause 112(f )ii below and refer the client to another suitable member at the very earliest opportunity.
(N.B. Clarification on dilemmas experienced by members in respect of the foregoing may be offered by TRY on request );
b) Touch any member in any way that may be open to misinterpretation. (E.g. Before employing tactile induction or deepening techniques, both an explanation should be given and permission received) In the case of Wandel it is to be in writing!
Married A2Kers immune from Code of Ethics while dealing with spouses
Phebi claro nondum orto iubare
Fert aurora lumen terries tenue
Spiculator pigris clamat surgite
Lalba par umet mar atra sol
Poy pas abigil miraclar tenebras
En incautos ostium insidie
Torpentesque gliscunt intercipere
Quos suadet precp clamat tenebras
Ab arcturo disgregatur aquilo
Poli suos conduant astra radios
Orienti tenditur septemtrio
Lalba part umet mar atra sol
Poy pas abigil.
Rabbi to adjudicate on fornicating members!
Palindromic Rabbi Ibbar notes that fornication is more of an issue for faiths other than Judaism, but will gladly check and see if the hors d'oeuvres are kosher.
Resplendent splendiferousness makes blatham's list of favorite posts; hamsters rejoice with Manischewitz and very tiny bagels with even tinier shmears
Sobbing softly to the tempo of the mazinka, Try nibbles on his kosher bagel.
Rams particularly interested in the "word" Ewwwww! After initial setback Blatham rejoices ~
Try gets a lovely plate of whitefish to go with his bagel and Manischewitz.
Since bogus Baron title was stripped of tryagain, he's found his true
identity once again. Nice try!
Unholy alliance with the devil denied as CJ deviates from the path of righteous ABC compliance and into muddy waters.
Try buys new cheep title - now known as; Ty Twad
Veranda McGillicuddy seeks eleventh husband of suitable means and demeanor. If at first you don't succeed, try Tryagain.