Feeble Attempt by Tryagain to Assert Authority Gives New Life to Tryagain Ouster Movement
Greetings to Alexnumbersd00d who has seen the light
Heckuva Day for Celebratin' Say Friends of the Windy City
Independents emerge as front runners in race against Tryagain and Wandeljw. Hampsters are said to be spinning their wheels.
jes does 20 reps 2 days in a row, feels the burn.
"The house did not burn down and the world did not come to an end. My abs feel tingly." said the exercising fiend. :wink:
kilts are worn by a2krs, bagpipes, still not found
Leading A2Kers such as mac11 and squinney have expressed fondness for kilts.
Jespah to start wearing kilts for her exercise regime.
Massachusetts state police are called in to ban jespah from annual state bar meeting
Oiled Muscles Intimidate Police Officer Trying to Nab Jespah
Pictures of celebrity abs; Pages 7,8,9, - 23 thru 37
Questionable definition of tautness yet very nice headline writers inspire jes
Forever plaid!" they cry.
Reasonable requests for free tickets to "Forever Plaid" are made by
the a2k cheapskates. You know who you are!
Small riot ensues in theatre showing Forever Plaid when Gustav Ratzenhofer rushes stage
The hysterical reaction of the fans was to blame for the disturbance during the Forever Plaid performance - Condemned by the Chief of Police as the worst riot Nantucket has ever seen
Reports from the scene at the courthouse in Tuckernuck confirm the prime suspect Gustav Ratzenhofer gave his address as; Area 51, Lincoln County, Southern Nevada - Bail refused!
Unhappy with court-appointed attorney, Gus decides to represent himself.
Vindicate me or kill me, screams Gustav Ratzenhofer from courthouse steps.
Verdict expected very soon in Tartan Terror case!
wandeljw called in as special prosecutor for Ratzenhofer case
X-tra X-tra .... Wandeljw makes unusual move that sees one Gustav Rastenhofer free without trial. Prosecuters are still shaking their collective heads on this one.