Yoga mats on sale! Half off!
Zealous shoppers are quick to grab up handfuls of yoga mats at unfathomable prices. The market has be depleted and the new owners are looking for innovative purposes for them.
Zoo director fed Tryagain's pet rat as free range chicken meat to
an Anaconda at the popular snake exhibit. Pictures to follow after
copyrights are established.
Anaconda demands a better deal for appearing on film. And a yoga mat.
Better deal demanded for the welfare of reptiles after hamster slaughter fiasco - Jes workout video out today on DVD!
Calamity Jane demands her head is removed from swimwear publicity promo
Intrepid denies they are a breach of copyright!
"Did you just do both B and C, Tryagain?" asks a confused wandeljw.
Earlier reports that Wandel was following along
Proved inaccurate! Sub-heading, by coincidence began with chronological alphabetical notation - Rest and recuperation advised!
Friction with Tryagain Blamed for Wandel's Breakdown
Good news from Central Hospital as Wandel reorganizes Medicare - Hamsters now running administration - Yoga compulsory!
(Next report does NOT begin with Z) :wink:
Hospital Spokesman Announces Medical Setback for Wandel after Visit from Tryagain
Investigation launched after Wandel's heart monitor was mysteriously turned off - Tryagain apologizes stating he thought it was the light switch and blames Unintelligent Design
Jespah resumes her extreme fitness regime after learning Wandel will be okay
Keeping to her extreme fitness regime Jespah ups the rate to three doughnuts for lunch! Crowds line the street to glimpse Wandel leaving hospital - he waves as he plans his revenge!
Loose interpretation of headlines seen looming across the pages of A2K
Marinated doughnuts found to prevent cancer
Naked Skydiving Craze Sweeps Great Lakes Region
Experts Question Timing Due to Approaching Blizzard
Occom Bill Singlehandedly Revives Skydiving Craze
Probable deep freeze to hit the great lakes. One pundant was heard to say that it will be cold enough to freeze the nuts off the steel bridge while another was hear to say that it will be so cold that lawyers will likely be seen with their hands in their own pockets.
Quality assurance jobs available to all comers. Naked skydivers especially in demand!
Repeat questions were beginning to be raised as demands grew for the cancer beating marinate recipe - Top A2K chef denied they had to be eaten whilst engaged in Naked Skydiving. Wandel asked to get dressed and take his hands out of Intrepid's pocket!