Forget stress while you wait for someone else to come up with a slam-dunk reply; try an A2K puzzle…
5 x 5 square:
Note: (~) = water
Start on A and end on W. Start by moving two letters (e.g., A to K), then three. Alternate between moving two and three letters, and use the full amount each move.
You can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally, but you can NEVER repeat a letter in your path, make an immediate U-turn, or land on or cross a water (~) space.
Q. What is the shortest and longest path from A to W?
Gosh, our little hometown newspaper has a puzzle section now - provided that
our editor hasn't posted in the wrong thread (yet again) which would mean
that Tryagain has been renamed to Yetagain!
Holy smoke what has tryagain been 'smoking' in them hills, mixed up his threads big time!
I I I I.....I'm so pleased to see the BlueBoy!
Keep hugging, hold me up, I'm fadin'.
Love handles gone missing! No ransom, no reward will be forth coming!
My love handles have been sold on eBay for an undisclosed sum.
No kidding, celibacy enters A2K echelon, what next?
Oh no, celibacy was never in question! We'd lose some vital part of our existence, and who wants that? Right!!
Perhaps it's celebrity or celebration and not celibacy.
Quid pro Quo…
For guaranteed results:
Respectfully so, a favour for a favour, an eye for a tooth, a tooth for a whistle
and a whistle for thee.
Time for me to get my glasses. What did that mean?
Unfortunately the spelling of “presumably” influences the misspelling “undoubtably.”
The word is “undoubtedly.” When something is undoubtedly true such as the answer from sister Slippy detailing the shortest way from Angel > Wicked. Proving you can be both cute and smart!
When asked to comment about the latest scandal to hit A2K T.R.Yagain replied;
“I do believe Billrm doth ptotesteth too much. When William joined A2K six months ago he was running a window based system; now all of a sudden he is a Mac fanboy!
Listen up homie, stick to your Harley dreams; putting two ‘and’s in the heading hurt my sensibilities but you don’t hear me whining on about it!”
The right of William to reply has been extended right up to his birthday: November 30.
Very well! Mother's Day has left its imprint in a rather confusing way for those souls among us who were sheltered a bit too much while carrying around a
sign that read: only a mother can love thee!
Would you understand…
Noobish: (133713371337)- Liek, u gott4 re3D teh gudieCAREFUl1y and tehn OMG LIEK I AM R0XX0RZ ya anD ify 0u turn into teh reTARDED u gota go 2 MY WEBP4GE LOLLOLOL!!111~11 ad check 4 warez n stfuu. if u r a n00b go2HELL LOLLOLOlROFLMFAO11!!!11!!!! a/s/l pos gtg n00b suxx0rz ur b0xx0rz OLOOOLOLLLL HELP HELP HELP 1337133713371337.
Just asking. lol
X-traordinary that it should be Izzie who should be found wanting due to the strict alphabetical constraints pertaining to this discipline.
Soap up girlie; it’s retribution time!