Down in the DUNG-eon , an eon has past...
We gotta break out our Blueboy, who's needed on a mast!
Let's rally the troops and all the knitting groups
It's time the BLUE had Jes's chicken delicious soups!
so come along chaps, what are we doing?
let's gather the team and quit faffing and phooing
I called upon help and the Blue Team is here
So gather the Pokies and lets get Blue CLEAR!
Who knows, when he returns, he may smell all sweet
Of Jasmine and Lilies, Orchids .....tho course, he may bleat!
Nah............ course he would not
The guys used to the PLOT
He may come back shortly and know ''t'will be sweet
Coz the Blue Boys a TWONK and a mate here to greet!
We have Special Agents Newly Out Of Quantico headed up by the One and Truly Agent Extraordinare -SAWjw.... WANDEL.JUST.WANDEL. (Osborne is on a cake baking course)
Pack up.... readly to leave - let seek out the BLUE - we have work to do.
He needs a hug dammit!
TRYagain snickers... I SAWjw coming!...