Advocating Change, Wandel Begins Campaign to Replace Tryagain
Betraying Liberal Supporters, Wandel Selects Sarah Palin As Running Mate
And I'm pretty sure you're picking McCain as you secretary of state.
@cicerone imposter,
Cicerone Imposter seems to have missed the alphabetical memo. Will alphabetizing be required under a new regime?
Decision To Revoke Alphabetical Rule Proposed By Palin; Wandel Campaign Using Running Mate As 'Attack Dog'
Evidently Tryagains election campaign got off to a slow start with a battle over:
If you are rendering this common Southernism in print, be careful where you place the apostrophe, which stands for the second and third letters in “you.” Note that “y’all” stands for “you all” and is properly a plural form, though many southern speakers treat it as a singular form and resort to “all y’all” for the plural.
Luckly, as his election speeches rarely attract crowds of more than one, this should alleviate lexicon sensibilities.
Fearing Defeat, Tryagain Promises Independent Nation Status for Alaska if Palin Leaves Wandel Campaign
Giving the people what they want: T.R.Yagain launches new slogan…
Wandel für bessere Welt - Change for better world
We Have a Lot of Work to Do… CBS, Gallup, and USAToday were caught tinkering with the outcomes of their early November polls. They've been over sampling the number of Wandel respondents at the expense of Try.
A2K is trying to make a "horse race" out of this election by rigging poll results to support the "fairy tale" narratives they create.
You got that right! Most political pundits were telling the American people how close the race was until E day. What a bunch of dorks.
@cicerone imposter,
Have a feeling cicerone imposter needs to have a hard look at the "ABC" of politics before writing his nerdy comments in this thread.
It's "Y'all" - speaking from one who knows.
Just when you thought it was safe to go into the alphabet, the "Y" gets moved.
Know wonder some get exjespahated
Las Vegas was nice - thanks for asking! There is definitely no sign of recession
there and gambling is as much a favorite past time as ever - especially among
Californians who dominated the casinos. Bugsy Spiegel would love what has
become of Las Vegas today.
I'm not sure what you mean by "nurdy," but here's a sample of some news media article:
Quote:Race for the White House still too close and leaves room for interpretation: Political pundits
October 18th, 2008 - 2:39 pm ICT by ANI -
Barack Obama
New York, Oct.18 (ANI): Data on polling trends suggest that the 2008 US presidential elections will be a tight race, and continue to be open to interpretation.
According to Fox News, one group of voters in the latest Gallup daily tracking poll put John McCain within two points of rival Barack Obama, while an AP-Yahoo poll out Friday shows McCain’’s negatives on the rise.
Obama has warned his supporters that the Democrats have a knack for snatching defeat from victory, and a couple of conflicting polls out Friday reinforce the message that with 18 days to go, this presidential election may be closer than many think.
A Gallup daily tracking poll out Friday shows Obama leading John McCain among registered voters 49-43 percent while an AP-Yahoo poll also released Friday show Obama’’s favorability at 57 percent compared to 52 percent for McCain.
Many A2Kers are hoping CI gets the alphabet thing...
Meanwhile, planets are showing winter blooms.
Not only is this thread alphabetical, but it is also a "game" thread. CI is understandably confused.
Oh that reminds me, not only is CI confused, he is forgetful as well.
Perhaps a refresher on the rules is in order.
-- This topic is a game.
-- It's usually rather funny.
-- It's alphabetical.
-- Any resemblance between it and any actual news stories is purely accidental or meant to poke fun at someone or something.
Questions are allowed as well, yet cicerone should know that any thread started by Tryagain should not be taken too seriously.