Happy to have “Jes” and “leather” at the same time in a virtual world, T.R.Yagain contacted ItsaMIStake Inc lawyers to ensure the breaching allegations by Jes (er her) were thrown out of court. Top notch lawyer Ms. MisTry valiantly took on the case.
Wishing to get straight down to business Ms. MisTry said “Better leave the handcuffs on, sonny”.
“Mis MisTry, let’s do it in chambers” said TRYagain.
"Get back in your box, Try!" said Ms MisTry.
Feeling chastised TRYagain started asking pertinent questions:
T.R.Yagain: Is it a penal offense Jes (er her) has against me?
MisTry: Well, you looked through her briefs!
T.R.Yagain: What are my chances if I come before a court?
MisTry: Judge BEAgle will give the stiffest one possible. He’s one hard judge. But do not fear, they could withdraw at the last minute.
T.R.Yagain asked Mis: Think you can get me off?
Ms.Mistry is confident that T.R.Yagains suit will be dropped and in the meantime, should lay low.